Saturday 4 May 2024

700,000 and 14 years


700,000 and 14 years.  It seems like only a year ago it was 600,000 hits.  That is because it was!  I had a huge increase in hits (an order of magnitude) over the Christmas period for about 3 months that saw the 700,000 milestone reached about a year before I was expecting it.  Ah well. I do know that about 90% of the 100,000 hits in the last 12 months have been bots.  It is easier to track these milestones based on Google blogger reports rather than Google Analytics.  And an excuse for some reflection.

I did do more posting in 2023 (16 posts) compared to 2022 (2). I did predict this in my 600,000 so that is a positive.  I had a recent stubborn 12 week severe sinus infection January-March that sapped all my energy and motivation but it is all behind me now so back on track.

As per last milestone, I have split some short observations across my three current areas of interest: Ancients, WW2 and solo SF RPG’ing.

Really short version on what is coming:  Mainly did ancients historical battle refights and more of them are planned, not much WW2 gaming but probably a little more this year, and the solo SF RPG continues to be of interest.

Outside these areas I am playing a few boardgames with my 15yo son and his friends.  Actually got out Space Crusade,  I was gifted this back in 1990 when a friend moved cities.  Never played it – until now!  Only 34 years to get it to the table.

Finally got to play it after 34 years.

I have a few other games from the 70’s and 80s like this that I hope will see the light over the next few years.  And today I managed to score a complete copy of HeroQuest - hopefully play that soon too.


My main score in the last 12 months was 30 ancient games in 30 days. All historical refights on a 40cmx40cm board with 15mm figures.  Part of my continuing to test out rules that are solo friendly and fast.  I still need to expand them (just a QRS) at the moment and put them on the page dedicated to my solo ancient rules development.

I managed to play some miniatures games with my 15yo son using a slightly modified DBA on a 12x12 grid and 8 units each.

Did do some 12x12 gridded games to test out some a variant on my current rules that requires no markers and works on a grid.  They seem to be working ok but more playtest definitely required.

Battle of Susa 647 BC, Assyria Vs Elam

More ancient historical refights coming as at the moment this seems to be where my interest and enthusiasm lies.


A few ww3x4 games – one posted and in January this year did another one but then the sinus infection hit and so while I have the pictures I have no recollection of what happened!  I am thinking of doing a few more of these but no promises.

4x3 grid.  Germans defence Vs British advance (this is the German deployment)

For 20mm I am in the same position as last year; the table is setup.

The board(for an Operaiton Jupiter scenario) has been setup for nearly 2 years now :-(

I have moved a little further and have got out the forces for each side.

German and British forces next the the board, ready to be deployed.

I do have a game of One Hour Skirmish Wargames planned in the next few months with some friends.


Still going.

Keep changing my own rules, going from simple to more complicated and back.  Currently using some simple ones to generative some narratives and enjoying the process of tweaking the rules and playing them out.  I have rules for pure RPGing and also tabletop combat on 1'x1' (no measuring and 3x3 grid) and some 8x8x and 12x12 grids on larger boards.  All are works in progress!

A 1x1' table with a few Heroscape minis.


So the gaming for the last twelve months has seen peaks and troughs. Still managing to get the gaming in, and slightly increasing the number of non-solo games being played.  I also think in the near future I will gets a similar number and games as in the last 121 months, and so should see a similar amount of posts.

The bots are still going strong on my blog and I may be back with the 800,000 milestone within the year :-)


  1. Congratulations on the 700,000 (and breaking the Space Crusade duck after 34 years!). Seems like there is still plenty going in for you gaming wise. Great to see. That 30 games in 30 days still strikes me as a pretty impressive achievement. I think it would burn me out!


    1. Hello Aaron

      Thanks. The 30 games is not so bad - there was a lot of prep before hand so it was simply getting the figures out and playing the game. And the games were short!

  2. Congratulations to both yourself and the bots :-) Glad the sinus thing is done with, 12 weeks would be very sapping.

    Good to see you still getting games in with your son. Has your 1/72 been totally squeezed out now? I did wonder about a marriage of 1/72 with your 4x3 rules!

    1. At the momet the 1/72 WW2 has been squeezed out. I think it is partly half of the terrain is still in storage (after 5 years of moving house) but will be coming back to our house later this year. And partly not easily being able to setup a table tennis table for a few days to play on. I have often thought about 4x3 and the 20mm. I have actually modified the 4x3 rules to play on a 2'x2' with the 20mm stuff. That is what the picture is above that I am hoping to play!

    2. Hello Martin,
      20mm would look fine but looking to go without grids for 20mm. Will see how I go.
      Here is the 1 page QRS I used for the 12x12 gridded games with 8 units. It is a mashup of DBA 1.1 with some stuff added form later versions. Have used them for about 5 games. They work fine for me and my 15yo son but not sure they are complete yet!
      DBA on 12x12

  3. My daughter’s fiancé has just introduced her and their friends to HeroQuest. They all enjoy it and there’s even talk of a “painting night” when they’ll all get to paint their own miniature character.
    I’m still flitting between 2mm to 6mm and 10mm at the moment. On the positive side I’m now merely days away from retirement and there’s now no “distraction” from work. Hopefully I’ll be able to ramp up the gaming… 😉

    1. I am looking forward to Heroquest - Space Crusade was just an Ok game. I am flitting everywhere as a gaming butterfly should be doing. I hope to go part time later this year and retire in a few years time.

    2. FWIW seven years ago I dropped down from 5 days to a 2 1/2 day working week - brilliant stuff. That generated plenty more free time and reduced working hours by 50%. Excellent…

    3. Thats my plan - more time to do other more interesting stuff.

  4. Glad you are feeling better and looking forward to hearing more about your Solo Sci-Fi rules as always :)

    1. Thanks Shaun. I am still tinkering but do need to get a few posts up on them!

  5. Congrats on 14 years! And, go bots go I guess ;)

    Did you receive your newest OGRE stuff yet?

    1. Thanks! And I did receive the latest Ogre stuff. Hopefully you got your stuff. Now just to prioritise putting it all together.
