is game 29 in replaying the scenarios from the Briton
Publishers Operation Jupiter skirmish scenario book.
Links to previous games are on this blog page.
Rules used
am using my WW2 rules that I had for a 3x4 grid that I then made a gridless
version for 2’x2’ games. These games are
larger forces on a bigger table (half a table tennis table or 4x5’x5’) so I
have modified them a little so now added a few things from my older rules -
unit card activation and now each figures is not suppressed but a section can
be if fired on by enough dice. They are
very similar to rule I used 10 years ago.
The Germans must advance
and take over 50% of the British foxholes that are the orchard defence.
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British |
HQ (4 figures)
(10 figures)
AT guns
25pdr missions (good availability)
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Germans |
1xKompanie HQ (5 figures)
3xZug (8 figures each)
1x80cm mortar battery (average availability)
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Deployment |
The British setup in a broad line across the centre hedgeline in the orchard. One section is a little forward and the MMG, 6pdr and CHQ is in the centre.
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Germans on the table |
Germans all move on. Aim is to reach the hedgeline and then work out best tactic from there. The two tanks to hang back. The Germans continue to advance although failing to spot units. Finally the centre Zug spots the forward British section. They open fire but fail to inflict a single hit. The British are holding their fire, and the radio operator just cannot get through!
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Germans at the hedgeline |
The next turn sees carnage. The Germans manage to get one up on the British – the Zugs cross the hedgeline, successfully spot the British in the foxholes and KO 3 figures and suppress a section. The Kompanie CO calls in the mortars and suppresses the Vickers MG. The British radio still has no success (in the actual battle, the radio operator was very successful and called down accurate fire).
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The Germans advance and fire |
The British do manage to inflict hits on the 2nd Zug and is has received 50% casualties, check morale and routs.
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2nd Zug routing |
The German 1st Zug charge the forward British section (now only 1/3 of its starting strength). The British lose, but do take one of the Germans with them.
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1st Zug charging the lone defender |
The 1st Zug then charges the Vickers MMG. Surprisingly, the British inflict a hit and the Germans do not. However, the Vickers is suppressed so retreats and abandons the gun.
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1st Zug Vs the Vickers MG crew |
The 3rd Zug charges the 6pdr and the crew put up a valiant fight but rout, taking one German with them.
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3rd Zug Vs the 6pdr crew |
The Germans have taken 4 of the foxholes in the time (it is turn 6!) and are victorious.
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End |
The British failed to call in the artillery throughout the game (required a 4+ to call and hit and had 6 chances to do so). The game would have been a lot closer if they had got in a couple of artillery requests. The Germans would have had some suppressions (that would have made them stop for aturn or two) and maybe even a Zug rout. Either way, they would have had less troops to fight and may not have made it in the 6 turn limit. Although in that case the Germans would have thrown in the tanks that were barely used in this game. It is only one play but it felt balanced, just unlucky for the British.
This is the last of the four games that I played over a weekend in late September. I believe I have only three more Operation Jupiter games to play out of the 30 in the scenario book. Maybe over Christmas.