I solo play out the
first 10 scenarios from One Hour Wargaming using my own ancient rules.
I redid my spreadsheet
playing Imperator to be even
more automated.
I starting playing Imperator
Scenario 2 (Assyria) but realised I was not enjoying it as much as I could –
too much bookkeeping - even using a spreadsheet to make it so less
I may go back and simplify it
one day.
After a couple of battles I was enjoying the revamped rules
I was using, themselves based on the rules used for my first Imperator game
When Warriors Collide).
But the
8x8 grid was just not cutting it for me.
I did not mind 12x12 , it close to playing on a 60x60xm table with 40mm
wide bases which is what my other ancient rules are designed for.
I saw I had two choices – go up to 12x12 or
just abandon the rules.
I left it at
that for a few months until I read
Dale’s post on playing One Hour Wargames ona 6x6 grid.
I have always meant
to give the scenarios a go so why not choose a third option and go down to a 6x6
grid? This would represent the smaller clashes that occurred between empires –
those of 2,000-10,000 troops. I reduced movement rate and archery ranges
(mostly by 1) and created some scenario sheets on paper to give them a go.
I could have used my 15mm figures but the
boards are all busy with other projects so I happily got out my underused 6mm
for some games.
This post has taken longer to get out there as after playing
the first five scenarios Dale and I started playing OHW scenarios using the OHW
rules on a 6x6 grid. The pandemic has
freed up some weekend time to finish the rest.
The rules I use are based on the Bill Banks Ancients rules.
The latest draft of the rules are
6x6 When Warriors Collide on a grid v3.0e.
It used to include a programmed opponent but
too hard to implement with such a small amount of space and units.
The main
changes to the Bill Banks Ancients are missile fire is handled a little
differently and movement is a bit more restrictive.
The rules play faster than OHW so all games are 6 turns, not
15. Also, armies can panic when about half the Combat Value is destroyed which
can also end the game. It is not too common
for an army to panic within the 6 turn game, but it does happen.
I created six armies each of 6 units based around Assyrian
1 Neo-Assyrian: 1xHI, 1xHA, 2xLA, 2xCH
2 Neo Hittite: 1xHI, 3xMM, 2xCH
3 New Babylonians: 2xHA, 2xLA, 1xHC, 1xCH
4 Later Hebrew: 2xHI, 2xMM, 1xLA, 1xCH
5 Kushite Egyptians: 1xHI, 1xHA, 1xMM, 1xLA, 1xHC, 1xCH
6 Skythian/Hsiung Nu: 2xMM, 2xHC, 2xLC
I did use a draft point scheme to get the armies to be
roughly equal in combat power.
Note: I have no idea why I used Skythians rather than Scythians.
For those not familiar with Bill Banks Ancients nomenclature:
HI: Heavy infantry. The main infantry of a battleline.
HA: Heavy Archers. Heavy infantry with bows e.g. Persian
Sparabara. Equivalent to DBM Bw(X).
MM: Mixed Missile. Peltasts, armed with javelins. Equivalent
to DBx Auxilia.
LA: Light Archers. Peltast equivalents with Bows. Equivalent
to DBx Bow.
HC: Heavy Cavalry. The main battleline cavalry. Equivalent
to DBx Cavalry.
LC: Light Cavalry. Skirmishing cavalry. Equivalent to DBx
Light Horse.
CH: Chariot. Medium Chariot with Bows.
There is only one chariot type. A bit like
DBx Cavalry but can shoot.
Base representations
Although the units are broadly middle eastern, they are representative of the nation and not usually an exact match for the troops. Therefore, her is roughly how the unit type are represented with a base:
HI, Heavy infantry: 6 infantry figures to a base.
HA, Heavy Archers: 4-6 infantry figures to a base armed with bows.
MM, Mixed Missile: 3-4 infantry figures to a base, normally armed with javelins.
LA, Light Archers: 2 infantry figures to a base
HC, Heavy Cavalry: 5-6 cavalry figures to a base.
LC, Light Cavalry: 2 cavalry figures to a base.
CH, Chariot: A single chariot.
Leaders: Ofen a single figure next to a unit, or sometimes a 2-figure cavalry unit with a base.
I then randomly created matchups for the first 10 scenarios.
The first listed is the Red side.
1: Skythian/Hsiung Nu Vs Neo Hittite
2: Later Hebrew Vs Neo Hittite
3: New Babylonians Vs Kushite Egyptians
4: Kushite Egyptians Vs Neo-Assyrian
5: Later Hebrew Vs Neo-Assyrian
6: Later Hebrew Vs Skythian/Hsiung Nu
7: Skythian/Hsiung Nu Vs Kushite Egyptians
8: Neo Hittite Vs Kushite Egyptians
9: New Babylonians Vs Neo-Assyrian
10: Later Hebrew Vs New Babylonians
And then created one page PowerPoint diagrams for each of
the 10 scenarios. My printer had run out
of colour ink when I went to print out the first three so they are black and
white printouts coloured in with pencil!
The first few games the figures are quite dark due to the light board but after the first three the lighting gets bettet.
Game 01 – Scenario 01 Scythians Vs Neo-Hittites
Cause the enemy to panic.
Red Skythian: 2xMM, 2xHC, 2xLC
Skythian |
Blue Neo Hittite: 1xHI, 3xMM, 2xCH
Scythians put the main battle cavalry in the centre. The
Neo-Hittltes place the heavy infantry and a chariot in the centre, and one
other chariot to the right.
Skythians on the left, Hittites on the right |
Turn 1
The Scythian have first turn and only advance the heavy
cavalry with the rest moving to out of bow range.
The Light Cavalry and Mixed Missile are not great
in combat.
Skythians advance |
The Neo-Hittites advance along the line.
All bar the Heavy Infantry have bows with a
range of 2, so the Scythians will need to do something other than just sit and
take missile fire.
Hittites respond and advance their entire line. |
Turn 2
The Scythians advance the Heavy Cavalry into melee and the
other Heavy Cavalry up one in support.
The Chariot shoots at a Heavy Cavalry and disorders it. So no melee for the Heavy Cavalry (would be
at poor odds). The other Heavy Cavalry with
leader, depletes (DD) the opposing Heavy Infantry
The Neo-Hittites Mixed Missile on right and Light Cavalry in
missile contest. Light Cavalry loses and
retreats. The Mixed Missile and Mixed
Missile (next on right) get into missile contest and Neo-Hittites Mixed Missile
loses and retreats.
Chariot in combat with disordered Heavy Cavalry eliminates
it but does not pursue.
Other Chariot+Leader advances to the Mixed Missile. Mixed
Missile fires for no effect.
Combat sees
the Mixed Missile depleted (DD).
Centre Skythian Heavy Cavalry eliminated. |
Turn 3
Scythians cannot do much – advance the Mixed Missile and Light
Cavalry would open them up to fire again.
Best to hang back. The Heavy
Cavalry and Infantry melee – Infantry gone.
Choose not to pursue.
Neo-Hittites: Chariot advances to flank of Heavy Cavalry+ Leader.
Lucky 6 sees Heavy Cavalry+Leader depleted (DD). Other Chariot with Mixed
Missile sees Mixed Missile eliminated (DE) and Chariot advances.
Hittite chariot flank attack on heavy cavalry was unsuccessful. |
Turn 4
Scythians, from right to left:
Light Cavalry advances to Mixed Missile – Mixed Missile depleted
Heavy Cavalry turns in place – M result (both disordered) so
Chariot disordered.
Light Cavalry advances to Mixed Missile – missile contest
see Light Cavalry depleted (DD).
A few light units missing and the chariot/heavy cavalry melee continues. |
Mixed Missile moves to flank of Chariot but odds are to
great to combat, but will stop Leader moving away. Chariot attacks Heavy Cavalry but is itself disordered.
Chariot turns on Light Cavalry and Light Cavalry is depleted
(DD); does not pursue.
Turn 5
Scythians: Heavy Cavalry defeats chariot; no pursuit.
Neo-Hittites: Moves Chariot
Turn 6
Scythians: Heavy Cavalry turns to face Mixed Missile –
Disorders it.
Neo-Hittites: Moves Chariot again but it is not enough for
an outcome.
Although the Hittite chariot is eliminated, neither side panicked and the game is a draw. |
Game is a draw!
Neither reached Panic after 6 turns.
OMG I had so much fun!
I think mainly threefold: testing out new rules that mostly worked;
small fast game with little setup and I had to think tactically and
strategically during the game.
Rules changes
The room to move is less with 6x6, and the movement rate for
infantry is now only 1 square. This
threw up some changes required to the rules:
- Now can only melee units directly to your front (previously
could melee within the three squares to
the front).
- Missile arc was directly to front but 3 squares wide. Now only to front or one diagonal.
- Heavy units could not turn in place but need to be able to
now to face an opponent.
- With only 6 units, no need for command and control so need
to clarify there is none.
Game 02 – Scenario 02 Later Hebrew Vs Neo-Hittites
Control the hill and the crossroads.
Red Later Hebrew: 2xHI, 2xMM, 1xLA, 1xCH
Hebrew |
Blue Neo Hittite: 1xHI, 3xMM, 2xCH
Hittites |
Note: in my rules,
Chariots are not great on hills so need to stay away.
Note 2: When taking a
pause about game 5 I got to thinking this seemed odd so investigated. It is an error on my QRS! The rules themselves do not deny Chariots
moving onto hills. Fixed it. I did think
it was strange. So the rules from game 6
have chariots able to move onto hills.
Hebrews deploy 1 Heavy Infantry to defend hill and Heavy
Infantry+Leader and Chariot to take crossroads. The Hill is more defensive (a terrain
Neo-Hittites place 1 Chariot to defend cross roads, 1 Chariot
to protect hill attack with Heavy Infantry+Leader.
Hebrews on the left, Hittites on the right |
Turn 1
Hebrews advances along the line.
Neo-Hittites also advances along the line.
The Hebrews units are range of the missile
units so will need to do something.
Both sides advance. |
Turn 2
Light Archers fires at Mixed Missile and misses, Mixed
Missile auto moves up one.
Heavy Infantry charges Chariot, Chariot fires and depletes (DD)
Infantry melee with Chariot: M result (both
disordered). This will be good for next
Chariot moves up 1, Heavy Infantry moves 1, Mixed
Missile fires at Light Archers (no effect).
Battle at the crossroads. |
Turn 3
Lots happening during the Hebrews turn:
Light Archers fires at Mixed Missile but in the missile
contest are depleted.
Mixed Missile fires at Chariot; missile contest sees the Mixed
Missile depleted (DD)
Chariot advances to the Mixed Missile; Mixed Missile is depleted
(DD) and routs. Chariot does not pursue
Heavy Infantry+Leader melees with Chariot; Chariot depleted
(DD) and routs; Heavy Infantry advances and controls Crossroads!
Advances the Chariot to Mixed Missile; Mixed Missile depleted
(DD) and routs, Chariot pursues.
Heavy Infantry+Leader advances; melee with Heavy Infantry.
1:1; best roll (a 6) depletes (DD) the
Heavy Infantry!
Hebrews control the crossroads.. |
Turn 4
Chariot turns 180 degrees
Heavy Infantry turns to face Mixed Missile; melee sees Mixed
Missile eliminated.
Lone Mixed Missile turns 90 degrees.
Turns Chariot to face the Heavy Infantry. While no melee; Heavy Infantry is now flanked
by Heavy unit so attacks are at x2.
Heavy Infantry+Leader attacks the Heavy Infantry on the hill.
Depleted (DD).
Routs. Heavy Infantry advances.
The Hittites take the hill. |
Turn 5
Hebrew Chariot moves diagonally to melee other Chariot in
flank. Depleted (DD).
Neo-Hittite Heavy Infantry turns to face Light Archers and rolls
worst die roll 1 – M result (both disordered).
And then rolls a 1 for leader incapacitation.
Neo-Hittites panics.
Will not be able to rally and recover in one
turn to take the hill while panicking.
Hebrews wins as has crossroads and Light Archers on the hill.
The Hittite leader on the hill dies and the Hittites panic. The field belongs to the Hebrews. |
Another interesting game.
It is very interesting with only 6 units.
Rule pondering
I have the missiles ranges at 2 (for ‘B’ class) and 3 (for
‘A’ class). This is to allow for shots
at infantry who only move one and in my old rules you could get a shot in or
two prior to be contacted for melee.
But…my old rules it was harder to disorder a unit and even harder to
deplete them. I am thinking of reducing
ranges to 1 and 2. Actually spent a few hours thinking since that last
sentence. Will change ranges from 2 and 3
to 1 and 2 and see how it goes. Spoiler – worked well.
Game 03 – Scenario 03 New Babylonians Vs Kushite
Control both fords.
Red New Babylonians: 2xHA, 2xLA, 1xHC, 1xCH
Babylonians |
Blue Kushite Egyptians: 1xHI, 1xHA, 1xMM, 1xLA, 1xHC, 1xCH
Egyptians |
None deployed pre-game.
Turn 1
New Babylonians roughly split forces into two and advanced. On
right, Cavalry supported by Heavy Infantry to take their place, Light Archers
to support.
Egyptians, after seeing the New Babylonian deployment, will
use Heavy Infantry+Leader to break through the right ford. Hold on the other
Both sides enter, Babylonians to the left, Egyptians to the right. |
Turn 2
New Babylonians: Advance all and the Heavy Cavalry is at the
The Egyptians advance 1 with all units.
Babylonian cavalry gets to the ford first. |
Turn 3
New Babylonians all advance.
Heavy Cavalry+Leader advances over ford! And attacks the other Heavy
Cavalry that is depleted (DD).
Moves all up 1 except Light Archers and Heavy Archers.
Light Archers fires and other Light Archers are depleted and
retreats 1.
Heavy Infantry melee over the ford.
M result (both disordered).
And the Babylonian Heavy Cavalry cross the ford! |
Turn 4
New Babylonian Heavy Cavalry+Leader attacks Heavy Cavalry,
routs. Heavy Cavalry advances. Heavy Infantry follows through, turns to face
Chariot. Melee. M result (both disordered). Both disordered. Note I think it
would have been better if the Chariot had turned last turn to melee the Heavy
Cavalry. Ah well.
The Egyptians turns the chariot.
Mixed Missile about faces and fires at cavalry
with Leader, depleted (DD).
The Babylonians have broken though the ford and their heavy infantry follows. |
Turn 5
Egyptian Heavy Cavalry+Leader turns and melee Heavy Archers.
M result (both disordered).
Heavy Infantry Vs Chariot. M result (both disordered).
While the lower ford is on Babylonian control the upper one is still contested. |
Turn 6
Egyptians Heavy Infantry Vs Chariot;
Depleted (DD).
Heavy Infantry advances.
Oops. Why?
The Babylonians move their Mixed Missile to ford entrance.
Neither sides controls both fords so the game is a draw |
All fords are contested.
No one panicked either. So a
Rules musings
Reducing the archery ranges worked well in this game, but it
could be because there was a river in the way and so there was only a little
Thinking a leader loss causing panic is too much for such a
small game. May do as per older other my rules and count leader as 2? 3? 4?
extra breakpoints, and/or disorder all adjacent units. Leaning towards 3 extra breakpoints.
A good game, and one that deserves a replay. I was too cautious and there are a number of
possible game plays such as using missile fire to reduce units defending the
ford, or aggressively attack one ford like I did with the right flank of the
New Babylonians and head for the other.
Game 04 – Scenario 04 Kushite Egyptians Vs Neo-Assyrians
Sole possession of the hill.
Red Kushite Egyptians: 1xHI, 1xHA, 1xMM, 1xLA, 1xHC, 1xCH
Egyptians |
Blue Neo-Assyrian: 1xHI, 1xHA, 2xLA, 2xCH
Assyrians |
2 Kushite Egyptian units on hill – I pick the two heaviest
–the Heavy Infantry and the Heavy Archers.
Heavy Infantry and Archers defend the hill. |
A closer shot of the Egyptian defenders. |
With the ONW rules the
scenario is 15 turns with Blue entering turn 1 and remaining Red on turn
2. In a six this is not realistic so
have extended the game to 7 turns for this scenario.
Turn 1
Neo-Assyrians enter.
Note Chariots are depleted (DD) if they move on a hill (
note this was explained previously and is an
error I picked up after game 5) but can attack up a hill (at 1/2
I have entered using aggressive
use of the Light Archers against the hill units.
Assyrians all enter from the right. |
Turn 2
Enter remaining forces.
Heavy Cavalry on the right. May
be a mistake and should have been a missile unit. We shall see.
The reminder centre around the Chariot entering down the road.
Heavy Archers fires on Heavy Infantry.
Depleted (DD).
Light Archers fires on Heavy Infantry. No effect. Second Light Archers fires on Heavy Infantry. Depleted (DD).
Heavy Infantry moves up to the Heavy Archers.
Heavy Archers reacts by firing. No effect.
Melee. 1:1 M result (both disordered).
Not good as archers now on 1CV. Chariot moves up to next to Heavy
Egyptian reinforcements enter from the left. Hill still holds firm. |
Turn 3
Heavy Cavalry moves to melee Chariot. Chariot fires for No
effect. Melee at 1:1. Depleted (DD)! Chariot
now at 1 CV.
Chariot and Mixed Missile move up diagonally and swap places.
Light Archers fires on Heavy Infantry. No effect.
Heavy Infantry melee with Heavy Archers. Depleted (DD).
Heavy Archers gone and Heavy Infantry pursue
up the hill!
The Assyrians make it onto the hill (lower square). |
Turn 4
Heavy Cavalry Vs Chariot. Depleted (DD) and routs. No pursuit.
Light Archers fire at Heavy Infantry on hill. No effect.
Mixed Missile move up road to encounter Light Archers. Missile contest. Light Archers disordered.
So, the Heavy Archers I forgot about on the road! They are
trapped. Bad news there.
I move some Light Archers out the way to then turn the Heavy
The Heavy Infantry turn to melee the cavalry. M result (both
disordered) so Heavy Cavalry now at CV2.
Turn 5
Heavy Cavalry turn to face.
Heavy Infantry is flanked but has Leader and uphill. So is CV2 x2 =4 Vs Cv 3 x2x2 = 12. Unshiftable.
Except by the Heavy Infantry behind it!
Heavy Infantry turns. M result (both disordered) result.
Mixed Missile melee with Light Archers. Anything but a 1
will be good. A 1.
Heavy Archers move and wheel.
Heavy Archers Vs Heavy Cavalry. Depleted (DD). Heavy Cavalry
Turn 6
Egyptian Heavy Infantry Vs Heavy Infantry. Depleted (DD). Finally. Heavy Infantry routs, as does the leader.
Neo Assyrian panic and the field and Egyptians have won.
Game ends with the Assyrians in the last turn kicking the Egyptians heavy infantry off the hill. |
A very interesting dilemma.
A scenario to come back to – I can see a few different strategies to try
out. I did not use the Neo-Assyrian
Heavy Archer to very good advantage either.
Game 05 – Scenario 05 Later Hebrew Vs Neo-Assyrians
Neo-Assyrians win if no Later Hebrew north or one square
from the bridge.
Red Later Hebrew: 2xHI, 2xMM, 1xLA, 1xCH
Hebrews |
Blue Neo-Assyrian: 1xHI, 1xHA, 2xLA, 2xCH
Assyrians |
Only one Neo-Assyrian unit at start north of the river – I
will deploy a Chariot (no leader).
sole Heavy Infantry will be required to help defeat the Later Hebrew Heavy
Infantry units.
A lone Assyrian Chariot in defence. |
The scenario has the
units of both sides coming on gradually over 6 turns. I have reduced this to coming on over 4 turns
and extended the game to 8 turns.
No units for these armies moves more than one square,
although they will move two on the road.
The sole Blue unit has to defend the bridge but not prevent
reinforcements from crossing.
Turn 1
Hebrew Heavy Infantry+Leader and Mixed Missile at point C.
Neo-Assyrians Heavy Archers+Leader up the road and the Chariot
Hebrews enter behind the hill, Assyrian Heavy Archers enter on the right. |
Turn 2
Heavy Infantry+Leader and Mixed Missile advance one.
Chariot and Heavy Infantry also enter point C.
Heavy Archers advances and turns.
Heavy Infantry enters.
More Hebrew units enter behind the hill, Assyrian Heavy Infantry enters on the right. |
Turn 3
Mixed Missile and Light Archers at point A.
Heavy Infantry moves onto hill.
Heavy Infantry Vs Heavy Archers. Depleted (DD)!
Leader leaves Heavy Archers to go to Heavy Infantry. Heavy Archers routs due to leader leaving.
Heavy Infantry advances to face Heavy Infantry. Melee. M
result (both disordered).
Chariot enters.
Chariot Vs Mixed Missile. Depleted (DD)!
The battle is on in earnest as the Assyrians defend along the road. Meanwhile more Hebrews enter at the bottom. |
Turn 4
Heavy Infantry on hill turns to flank of Chariot. M result
(both disordered).
Chariot advances to flank of Heavy Infantry. M result (both
Light Archers enter.
The Assyrians are a bit stuck – all attacks are at less than
1:1. I think they will concede the game at this point.
The Assyrians are out classed and so concede. |
Rule musings
Need to ensure I clarify when a flank attack is a flank
attack and whether you can rotate in place if attacked by two units.
I need to rethink how to best deploy – I believe my chariot
was one square too far and so could not react to units entering at point C. The Assyrians were not deployed nor moved very
well by me. Another one to try again with a better strategy – this one was not
Intermediate verdict
I am having so much fun I am going to somehow figure how to
soon keep playing more.
There has been
over 6 weeks since game 5.
I played a
few games of Neil Thomas’s One Hour Wargames with Dale of Dale’s Wargames blog
in the meantime.
We started by using a
24x24 grid but then moved to some games using a 6x6 grid…the same I grids I am
using but not my ancient rules but a version of OHW translated to 6x6.
That has taken up most of my gaming
One thing did come out of it – I
allowed movement on the diagonals but not attacking via a diagonal.
In the games we are playing we have both. It
actually makes sense not to have one rule for moving and another for attack
I have now included diagonal
attacks in the game.
I have also figured
out a way to replicate exactly the Bill Bank’s ancient CRT using a die
You still need to work out ratios
but it is a single table to look up rather than a CRT.
I also worked out how to include Elite and
Poor units into the game but will not be using them for the scenarios.
I am thinking about using these games for
actually replaying historical games – by doubling the width to 12x6 you would
be able to replay most battles, admittedly at a high level, but no worse than
my other rules, Ancient Battlelines Clash (ABC).
I also really like the nomenclature of the
Bill’s Banks units – Heavy Archers, Mixed Missile etc.
Just a little more evocative so may use them
in ABC. Note: I did update ABC with this nomenclature after this.
Game 06 – Scenario 06 Later Hebrew Vs Skythian/Hsiung Nu
Skythian wins if exits 3 or more units; else a Hebrew
Red Later Hebrew: 2xHI, 2xMM, 1xLA, 1xCH
Blue Skythian/Hsiung Nu: 2xMM, 2xHC, 2xLC
Later Hebrew puts Heavy Infantry on the road to block the
Skythian puts Heavy Cavalry at the front to punch a hole
though the Later Hebrews.
Skythians on the road, facing to the right. Hebrews blocking the exit and ready for flank attack. |
A side shot of the Skythians in column. |
Turn 1
Skythian Heavy Cavalry charge at Heavy Infantry. One is disordered.
Light Cavalry move to the east to take advantage of exiting
the road if a gap is made.
Mixed Missile move to turn and face the flank attacking
Chariots charge into the flank of a Heavy Cavalry.
All the missile units advance ready to
The reactive fire of the Skythian
sees the Later Hebrews get the worst of it.
A mess as the Skythians try and force a exit while holding of the flank attack |
Turn 2
Carnage for the Skythians – they lose a Heavy Infantry and a
Mixed Missile!
The Skythians lose their flank defenders. |
Turn 3
The Heavy Cavalry defeat the Heavy Infantry and
advances. Something I should have done
earlier – advanced the Light Cavalry for a flank attack, although in the end
did not need it this turn.
The remaining Hebrew Heavy Infantry advances and destroys a Mixed
Missile, the Light Chariot was stuck facing the Heavy Infantry and so did
The Skythian Heavy Cavalry is at the exit. Still a chance to get three units existing right. |
Turn 4
Skythian Heavy Cavalry+Leader exits, Other Light Cavalry
units get ready to exit.
Hebrew Heavy Infantry about faces (and DD - depleted), Light
Chariot charges Light Cavalry but only manages an M (Melee - both disordered).
But in melee so cannot exit! Oops,
forgot about that.
Turn 5
Heavy Infantry moves to the rear to attack. But the Skythian Light Cavalry hangs on!
Heavy Cavalry exits but the Skythian Light Cavalry is preventing from exiting as it is in melee. |
Turn 6
The inevitable happens and the Light Cavalry is
eliminated. A Later Hebrew win!
The Hebrew Heavy Infantry defeats the Skythian Light Cavalry and so the Hebrews win. |
Rule musings
Even though I now have rules for diagonal melee, I did not
need to use them.
Forgot that the units could not exit if in melee. This would have meant I should have used the
Skythian Mixed Missile and Light Archers to stop the Hebrew units getting into
melee with the units I had targeted for exiting. A strategy to use if I play again.
Game 07 – Scenario 07
Skythian/Hsiung Nu Vs Kushite Egyptians
Skythian wins if only side on hill, else Egyptian victory.
Red Skythian/Hsiung Nu: 2xMM, 2xHC, 2xLC
Blue Kushite Egyptians: 1xHI, 1xHA, 1xMM, 1xLA, 1xHC, 1xCH
This will probably not go well for the Skythians as the
units are not really geared to defence. Spoiler: may have gone better for the
Skythians than expected.
Skythians on the large hill while the Egyptians are ready to attack. |
Turn 1
Kushite Egyptian Heavy Cavalry+Leader charges Light Cavalry
on hill, Light Cavalry retreat and Heavy Cavalry+Leader on hill. Others move to attack except the Mixed
Missile that shoots and depletes a Mixed Missile.
A Skythian Light Cavalry fires at Heavy Cavalry+Leader and inflicts a depletion (DD). Then leader wounded on a 1, which is rolled, so
the leader is gone. The Skythian Heavy
Cavalry+Leader to the side turns and flanks the Heavy Cavalry and eliminates
it. The Mixed Missile fires at another Mixed
Missile, depleted (DD) and forces it to retreat.
Big change of fortune here.
The Skythians have managed to not only hold onto the hill but inflict some casualties. |
Turn 2
Light Chariot charges it way through the Light Archer and then
the Mixed Missile to definitely be on the hill.
Heavy Cavalry charges Light Chariot and depletes it.
Mixed Missile gets in a missile contest with Kushite
Egyptian Mixed Missile but is destroyed.
Light Cavalry gets into missile contest with Kushite
Egyptian Heavy Archer but is destroyed.
Turn 3
Heavy Cavalry in melee with the Light Chariot.
It is destroyed.
Kushite Egyptian has reached panic point and
so panics.
I do not think they will be
able to recover from this and so will call it a win for the Skythians!
And two turns later it is all over, the Egyptians panic after having lost half their forces. Skythians hold the hill. |
Rule musings
Some diagonal movement and attacking here. Also remembered that shooting can occur
diagonally. Works really well.
A very fast game. The
loss of the Heavy Cavalry and leader sealed the fate of the Kushite Egyptian to
win. I also think poor deployment in the
Zone was possibly a cause – the heavy stuff may have been better going to the
side of the hill rather than try and brute force onto the hill.
Game 08 – Scenario 08
Neo Hittite Vs Kushite Egyptians
Sole ownership of hill.
Red Neo-Hittite: 1xHI, 3xMM, 2xCH
Blue Kushite Egyptians: 1xHI, 1xHA, 1xMM, 1xLA, 1xHC, 1xCH
Neo-Hittite Heavy Infantry and Mixed Missile on hill.
Hittite deploy two units on the hill. |
Turn 1
Neo-Hittite move Mixed Missile off the hill towards
woods. Should be able to reinforce hill
with reinforcements before the Kushite Egyptian get there.
Kushite Egyptian bring on Heavy Cavalry and Light Chariot (Light
Chariot only move one).
Note road does
not increase movement.
The first Egyptians arrive (on the left). One Hittite unit moves off the hill to head towards the safety of the woods. |
Turn 2
More units enter but there is a blockage at the Kushite
Egyptian and cannot bring them on fast enough!
Mote Egyptian attackers arrive on the left while Hittite reinforcements arrive to the right. |
Turn 3
Light Cavalry charge Heavy Cavalry and disorders it; Heavy
Infantry then charges and eliminates the Heavy Cavalry, Heavy Infantry deos not
pursue as defending terrain.
Mixed Missile in woods fires at the Light Chariot and forces
it to retreat.
Leader dies!
The Egyptian Heavy Cavalry is eliminated by the Hittite Infantry on the hill. |
Turn 4
Both sides move units around.
Moving around for position. |
Turn 5
Neo-Hittite advance the Light Chariot down the road and
eliminate a Mixed Missile.
Kushite Egyptian Heavy Infantry attacks the Mixed Missile in
the wood and forces it to retreat onto the hill. Kushite Egyptian actually has a chance as it
has two units facing the two units on the hill.
Turn 6
Neo-Hittite does not manage to break anything.
Kushite Egyptian Heavy Infantry attacks Heavy Infantry on
hill, even though cannot eliminate it.
Light Chariot attacks Mixed Missile but no effect of missile
fire exchange but Mixed Missile does retreat and so Light Chariot
The Egyptian Light Chariot manages to get on the hill in the last turn but the Hittite Heavy Infantry is still on the hill. A draw. |
Rule musings
Rules are holding up fine now. I am even getting the swing of them.
Everything moving 1 but the Heavy Cavalry in this mix of
forces really hampered the Kushite Egyptian trying to get to the hill. Another Heavy Cavalry or a Light Cavalry or
two would have made a big difference to their chances.
Game 09 – New
Babylonians Vs Neo-Assyrian
Assyrian win if either the Babylonians do not exit units in
time or they control the town and exits 2 units; else the Babylonians win.
I will ignore panic in this game (as that will possibly help
the Babylonians).
Red New Babylonians: 2xHA, 2xLA,
1xHC, 1xCH
Blue Neo-Assyrian: 1xHI, 1xHA, 2xLA, 2xCH
New Babylonians have no heavy infantry besides the Heavy
Archers and the latter would be better suited to sniping across the river.
Heavy Cavalry in the town (will be doubled
for attacks across the bridge) and Heavy Archers guarding the ford.
The two Light Archers are ready to exit the
board to assist with the exit criteria.
Not sure how this will play out.
The Babylonians deploy to defend the river crossings and also exit some units. |
Turn 1
Neo-Assyrian move the Heavy Archers to fire at the Heavy
Cavalry, Heavy Infantry to attack the Heavy Archers across the ford. Light Archers brought on the fire on the
units over the river.
New Babylonians move a Light Archer off the table. Heavy
Archers fire at the Heavy Infantry for NE (no effect). Heavy Archers fire at Heavy
Archers for NE (no effect).
Assyrians enter to attempt to force the bridge. |
Turn 2
Neo-Assyrian moves up the Heavy Infantry to attack the Heavy
Archers but is itself disordered.
The Heavy Archers fires at the Heavy Cavalry and disorders
New Babylonians move another Light Archers off the table and
realises have 4 moves to get another one off, so about faces the Light Chariot.
Heavy Archers fires at the Light Archers and are themselves
disordered in the missile contest.
Missile fire sees some disorder. |
Turn 3
The Light Archers eliminates the Heavy Archers across the
OMG! Heavy Cavalry is
eliminated by the Heavy Archers. And the
Light Chariot also disordered.
The last Light Archers firing at the Light Chariot does
New Babylonians moves the Light Chariot towards the exit.
The blocking Assyrian Heavy Cavalry and leader located in the town is eliminated. Assyrian Light Chariot is racing up the road to the exit. |
Turn 4.
I will call the game a win for the New Babylonians. Everything moves 1 and so the Neo-Assyrian cannot
reach the Light Chariot, nor exit two units, and the Light Chariot will reach
the exit in time. Just a few units that
move 2 would make all the difference…
Rule musings
I forgot that the Heavy Cavalry with the leader could have
rallied in the turn after it was disordered.
Rallying is so rare as usually a unit is required to do something (move,
fire, melee). The first time a rally
opportunity comes up and I forget!
An interesting scenario that in my play was hampered by the
lack of units that moved 2 squares, and also roads not assisting movement. Maybe extend the game from 6 to 7 (or even 8
turns) next time. The Neo-Assyrians were very lucky with their missile fire.
Game 10 – Scenario 10
Later Hebrew Vs New Babylonians
Control the town.
Red Later Hebrew: 2xHI, 2xMM, 1xLA, 1xCH
Blue New Babylonians: 2xHA, 2xLA, 1xHC, 1xCH
New Babylonians deploys two Heavy Archers – one in the
woods, one in the gap. The Later Hebrew
can only move 1 a turn so no issues reinforcement not appearing in time to
block them getting to the town. In fact,
it may be difficult to get to the town in 6 turns if they have to move 6
squares. So the Later Hebrew need to
make the New Babylonians panic and therefore they will win.
Another game where having slow moving units changes greatly
the tactics.
Two Babylonian Heavy Archers block the pass from the Hebrew enemy that will enter from the right. |
Turn 1
Later Hebrew moves on missile units to be able to return
fire when the Heavy Archers fire.
New Babylonians Heavy Archers Vs Mixed Missile on road, Heavy
Archers disordered.
Heavy Archers in woods vs Mixed Missile, Heavy Archers also
disordered. So unlucky.
Both defending Archers are unlucky and disordered. |
Turn 2
Later Hebrew:
Moves the Heavy Infantry to face the Heavy Archers now they
are disordered, the Heavy Archers is routed.
The Mixed Missile gang up on the Heavy Archers in the woods,
at least for missile fire.
Note that moving units cannot fire but may return fire if
fired at (with a -1 to the die roll).
The rest of the units enter.
New Babylonians:
Fires at the front Mixed Missile but is depleted in return
and is routed.
New Babylonians has no units on the table!
The Babylonian Heavy Archers are eliminated. Too fast! The Hebrews still have all their units. |
Turn 3
Later Hebrew advance all their units towards the town edge.
New Babylonians Heavy Cavalry+Leader enter and charge the Heavy
Infantry but both are disordered. Light Chariot also enters.
The Babylonian reinforcements arrive just in time to stop the Hebrews taking the town. |
Turn 4
Later Hebrew continue the advance.
New Babylonians:
Light Chariot charges a Mixed Missile and manages to
eliminate it for no damage to themselves.
Turn 5
Later Hebrew:
Light Chariot charges New Babylonians Light Chariot and both
are disordered.
Heavy Infantry charges into the Heavy Cavalry+Leader but is
New Babylonians:
Brings on the Light Archers.
Heavy Cavalry+Leader routs a Heavy
The Hebrews just cannot break through the Babylonian defence! |
Turn 6
Later Hebrew Mixed Missile
defeats the Light Chariot and advances.
Only one away from the town!
New Babylonians:
Heavy Cavalry continues to melee
the Heavy Infantry.
The Light Archers has to fire at
the Mixed Missile but they draw. NE (no
It was close but the Hebrews just do not manage to take the town. |
New Babylonians wins.
Rule musings
No changes to the rules and worked really well in bringing
this scenario to life and made it a lot closer than I thought.
A much closer result than I thought it would be. I really like this scenario with these rules.
Overall Verdict
The rules shaped up well with no changes, other the change
to allow diagonal combat and reduction in missile range. The aim was to
produce a viable ruleset playable using the Bill Banks Ancient rules on a 6x6
grid. The use of the One Hour Wargames scenarios was to provide a framework for
testing. So I will go with a success
result. The overall goal was that these
rules can then be used in Bill Banks Imperator game to carry out the
battles. One issue with Imperator was
that I was attempting to play out all five empires as players. Even though I have automated a lot into a
spreadsheet it was still too taxing to play as five different players. I am now re-jigging the spreadsheet to play
just one empire and the other four as non-player major empires. This latter is already accounted for in the
rules (each scenario is playable by 1 to 5 players), I was just trying to make
it harder for myself!