Various Pages to rules and replays

Thursday, 31 October 2024

Operation Jupiter 29 – Alone on the Hill. 20mm WW2 battle report.


This is game 29 in replaying the scenarios from the Briton Publishers Operation Jupiter skirmish scenario book.   Links to previous games are on this blog page.

Rules used

I am using my WW2 rules that I had for a 3x4 grid that I then made a gridless version for 2’x2’ games.  These games are larger forces on a bigger table (half a table tennis table or 4x5’x5’) so I have modified them a little so now added a few things from my older rules - unit card activation and now each figures is not suppressed but a section can be if fired on by enough dice.  They are very similar to rule I used 10 years ago.


The Germans must advance and take over 50% of the British foxholes that are the orchard defence.




1xCompany HQ (4 figures)

1xPlatoon (10 figures)

1xVickers MMG

1xPIAT team

2x6pdr AT guns

2 25pdr missions (good availability)



1xKompanie HQ (5 figures)

3xZug (8 figures each)


1x80cm mortar battery (average availability)



The British setup in a broad line across the centre hedgeline in the orchard.  One section is a little forward and the MMG, 6pdr and CHQ is in the centre.


Germans on the table

Germans all move on.  Aim is to reach the hedgeline and then work out best tactic from there.  The two tanks to hang back.  The Germans continue to advance although failing to spot units.  Finally the centre Zug spots the forward British section.  They open fire but fail to inflict a single hit.  The British are holding their fire, and the radio operator just cannot get through!

Germans at the hedgeline

The next turn sees carnage.  The Germans manage to get one up on the British – the Zugs cross the hedgeline, successfully spot the British in the foxholes and KO 3 figures and suppress a section.  The Kompanie CO calls in the mortars and suppresses the Vickers MG.  The British radio still has no success (in the actual battle, the radio operator was very successful and called down accurate fire).

The Germans advance and fire

The British do manage to inflict hits on the 2nd Zug and is has received 50% casualties, check morale and routs.

2nd Zug routing

The German 1st Zug charge the forward British section (now only 1/3 of its starting strength).  The British lose, but do take one of the Germans with them.

1st Zug charging the lone defender

The 1st Zug then charges the Vickers MMG.  Surprisingly, the British inflict a hit and the Germans do not.  However, the Vickers is suppressed so retreats and abandons the gun.

1st Zug Vs the Vickers MG crew

The 3rd Zug charges the 6pdr and the crew put up a valiant fight but rout, taking one German with them.

3rd Zug Vs the 6pdr crew

The Germans have taken 4 of the foxholes in the time (it is turn 6!) and are victorious.



The British failed to call in the artillery throughout the game (required a 4+ to call and hit and had 6 chances to do so).  The game would have been a lot closer if they had got in a couple of artillery requests.  The Germans would have had some suppressions (that would have made them stop for aturn or two) and maybe even a Zug rout.  Either way, they would have had less troops to fight and may not have made it in the 6 turn limit.  Although in that case the Germans would have thrown in the tanks that were barely used in this game.  It is only one play but it felt balanced, just unlucky for the British.

This is the last of the four games that I played over a weekend in late September.  I believe I have only three more Operation Jupiter games to play out of the 30 in the scenario book.  Maybe over Christmas. 

Sunday, 20 October 2024

Operation Jupiter 28 – Edge of the Plateau. 20mm WW2 battle report.


This is game 28 in replaying the scenarios from the Briton Publishers Operation Jupiter skirmish scenario book.   Links to previous games are on this blog page.

Rules used

I am using my WW2 rules that I had for a 3x4 grid that I then made a gridless version for 2’x2’ games.  These games are larger forces on a bigger table (half a table tennis table or 4x5’x5’) so I have modified them a little so now added a few things from my older rules - unit card activation and now each figures is not suppressed but a section can be if fired on by enough dice.  They are very similar to rule I used 10 years ago.


This is a tank Vs tank game.  Each side must knockout every opposing tank to win, or force the other side to leave. There is no turn limit.




1xFirefly (veteran crew)








Note the MarderIII is substituting for a sdkfz251/22 as I don’t have a model for the latter.



I am activating using one card per vehicle.

My money is on the Germans as they have the better guns.  I did think this would not be too exciting  - my rules for tanks are fairly simple: 1d6 to hit with a few modifiers and 1d6 to penetrate (using attacker gun and defender armour modifiers).  Miss or damage (2xdamage=KO) or KO.  But it was quite a tense game after all, mainly as there was terrain to navigate around.


The first few turns were spent getting the vehicles on the board. The Firefly hanging back as it has an excellent gun for long range fire.

The lead PzIV gets to the hedge corner, spots the Firefly and fires.  And misses.  Firefly fires back and also misses.


More moving.  The Shermans and Stug in the orchard fail to spot each other (visibility limited to 18” if not firing and need a 5+ at that range).

A suppressed PanzerIV manages to damage the Firefly.  Not good news for the British.

Damaged Firefly

Even though damaged, the Firefly gets a shot off at the Panzer IV and destroys it.  The first KO in the game.

PanzerIV destroyed

More movement and some firing at the Firefly.  A Sherman damages the Marder.

Tanks in the orchard

The Firefly damages the Panther.  The Panther returns fire but for no effect.  The nearby PanzerIV also fires for no effect.

Damaged Panther

The Marder is then destroyed.

Marder KO

Finally, the Stug damages a Sherman.

The Stug damages a Sherman

The Firefly fires at the Panther again and the Panther is destroyed.  The Germans are 3 vehicles down and decide to retire.



As I said at the beginning, I did think it would be a dull game.  Turns out it wasn’t and I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I was going to do.

Monday, 14 October 2024

Operation Jupiter 27 – Regain the Point. 20mm WW2 battle report.


This is game 27 in replaying the scenarios from the Briton Publishers Operation Jupiter skirmish scenario book.   Links to previous games are on this blog page.

Rules used

I am using my WW2 rules that I had for a 3x4 grid that I then made a gridless version for 2’x2’ games.  These games are larger forces on a bigger table (half a table tennis table or 4x5’x5’) so I have modified them a little so now added a few things from my older rules - unit card activation and now each figures is not suppressed but a section can be if fired on by enough dice.  They are very similar to rule I used 10 years ago.


The Germans have 6 turns to recapture the orchard from the British.



British (already deployed)

1xCompany HQ (4 figures)

1xPlatoon (10 figures)

1xPIAT team

2x17pdr AT guns

2 25pdr missions (average availability)



1xKompanie HQ (7 figures)

2xZuz (10 figures each)

3xTiger 1 (veterans)


The British deploy the 17pdrs to the rear but lined up on the gaps in the hedgerow.  The platoon is against the hedgerows with the CHQ as a reserve.  The PIAT team is at the corner edge but not sure how useful it will be.

The German entry viewpoint.  Note the gaps in the hedgerows.


6 turns is not long.  The Germans will need to bring on everything fast – One Zug first, then send the Tigers through the gaps in the hedgerows.

Tigers come on, as does the first Zug. Then the 2nd Zug and lastly the Kompanie HQ.

Germans are all on.

The British platoon (well, the two sections in range) fires at the lead Gruppe and two figures are KO. (now end of turn 2)

A solitary figure

The German 1st Zug fire back but for no effect, the 2nd Zug moves to the hedgeline and manages to rout a British figure.  But the British first section fires back again and 3 more German figures are gone.

A British section is down a figure and suppressed

It is getting a little attrition-like with both static on the hedgeline and exchanging fire.  The Germans manage to inflict two more casualties.

The foxholes have less troops than at the start

The British first section fires with 6 dice.  Need a 5 or a 6 to KO a figure, they do not hit a thing.  The German return fire and KO 2 British figures.  The Tiger tanks move to the hedgeline to help the infantry.

Tigers on the move

The 17pdrs have been waiting for this and open up, damaging a Tiger (can’t move).

The 17pdrs are lined up for this though

It is now end of turn 4, 2 turns to go.

The British CO successfully calls in the 25pdrs on the centre hedgeline.  Only one casualty, but the 2nd Zug is suppressed.  The 17pdrs fire again and the center Tiger is kaput (very lucky)!

One Tiger down.

The British 1st section is under fire and retreats.  The German 1st Zug and Kompanie HQ infantry advances deeper into the orchard.

Germans advancing

The German 2nd Zug attempts to rally but some figures decide to rout, causing 2 morale checks and the 2nd Zug pulls back a full move.

Retreating 2nd Zug

The British 1st section fails a morale check and retreats off the table.  The Germans win!  It was the 6th turn as well.

Final positions


Another loss to the British.  Another great and also close game – it could have easily gone either way.  And I remembered the British artillery support that was used to good effect.

Wednesday, 9 October 2024

Operation Jupiter 26 – Point 112, a 20mm WW2 battle report


This is game 26 in replaying the scenarios from the Briton Publishers Operation Jupiter skirmish scenario book.  Links to previous games are on this blog page.

Rules used

I am using my ww2 rules that I had for a 3x4 grid that I then made a gridless version for 2’x2’ games.  These games are larger forces on a bigger table (half a table tennis table or 4x5’x5’) so I have modified them a little so now added a few things from my older rules - unit card activation and now each figures is not suppressed but a section can be if fired on by enough dice.  They are very similar to rule I used 10 years ago.  Going back to what I know!


The British win if they gain a foothold at the north end of the orchard and hold on for two turns. The Germans win if they prevent this.  There is no turn limit.  The British need to cross open ground to get to the orchard.



1xCompany HQ (4 figures)

2xPlatoons (10 figures each)

1x6pdr+tow (this is supposed to be a 40mm Bofors but I don’t have one)

4xChruchill VII

2 25pdr missions (average availability)

Note: the image has the 6pdr with a carrier but changed the carrier for a Morris during the game.


1xKompanie HQ (4 figures)

1xZug (10 figures each)


1xStug IIIG



The german tanks and MG far away to get British as they cross the open ground.

Zug in the hedgeline to move to the new hedgeline to repel the British. Kompanie HQ is reserve!

German Deployment, British enter bottom right


Churchills come on first and then the German armour fires first and and damages one of the Churchills

Damaged Churchill

The German Zug moves into the Orchard.

One British platoon enters using the Churchills as cover.  Accurate firing by the German MMG sees a section reduced from 3 to 1 figures, and suppressed.

British platoon enters, and already two figures lost to a German MMG

The Churchills continue to advance sheltering the infantry.  The German tanks damage another Churchill and with MG fire the suppressed section is routed.

Another Churchill damaged

Another British section enters, as does the 6pdr, I mean Bofors.

The 2nd British section enters

The “Bofors” enters

Just realised I have forgotten the British have 25pdrs in support.  The British company HQ enters so can call that artillery.  The Panzers keep firing and another Churchill damaged..  The Churchills fire back and damage both! (so lucky)

Damaged Panzers

The British 1st platoon is down to 50% but passes a morale check. A British section makes it to the hedgerow and spots a Gruppe.  The section fires but does nothing.

British have reached the hedgerow!

The British CHQ calls in the 25pdrs into the orchard and 2 German figures are routed.

The Churchills fire again on the Panzers and the Panzer IV is destroyed.

PanzerIV KO

The British get one up on the Germans and the Brits on the hedgerow fire again and destroy 2 German figures and suppress a Gruppe.  The remaining Gruppe figure fails to rally and routs.  However, the other Germans all fire back and the British section is destroyed.  The British 1st platoon is down to 2 figures that retreat suppressed.

Firing at the Germans again

OMG.  British CHQ calls in the 25pdr again and three German figures gone in the orchard (average is 1).  And the Germans pull back.  The MMG continues to fire and another 2 British figures are lost.

The Churchills fire again and the Stug is destroyed.  The Germans have been a) unlucky in die rolling and b) just not getting the cards until later in the turn.

Stug KO

The British cannot afford to lose too much more to be able to meet victory conditions.  They need to get almost all the remaining infantry to the hedge.  I don’t think they will.

British side

The infantry and the remaining mobile Churchill move to the hedgerow.

British at the hedgerow again

The German 1st section routs due to poor rallying. 

The British 1st section (2 figs left) tries to rally but one figure routs.  The British do have not enough infantry left to meet the victory condition.  So close!


Such a great game.  It was good to get out the 20mm on a decent sized table.  Not a lot of terrain but the Operation Jupiter scenarios have never failed to deliver an interesting game.