I scratch an itch around Ancient rules and test out some new
homegrown rules, based on all the other rules I have written. The big difference is it uses a d3 for
I used my first two
15mm armies to play the game – Late Romans and Sasanian Persians.
I am a butterfly.
Happily working on
testing my own ancient rules.
Happily planning a campaign with my 6mm WW2
Happily playing with my recently
cquired Two Hour Wargames PDFs.
then I got the itch.
This itch has been
building for a year. It is an Ancient rule itch and it is itchy in three ways:
- Most of the historical games could be played on
a smaller table than 2’x2’. I found that
in my historical replays, each battleline was about 6-8 units wide, too wide
for a 2’x2’ (with 40mm wide bases). I
had thought in the past of 12x12 grids, smaller tables etc. and have been
thinking of going to 16”x16” for awhile now.
- Dissatisfaction with the 1d6 roll. My rules started with the basic mechanism
that all melee is a 1d6 roll and low results apply to the attacker, high to the
defender. It worked well at the start
but over the years have tweaked unit combat values, modifiers, melee results to
make it work how I wanted it, and I now feel I have been working around the 1d6
to keep it, when its foundation (a quick way to resolve Bill Banks Ancientswith a die roll rather than a CRT) is a little flawed – even the alternative
1d6 is not as great as the CRT which relies on combat value ratios (the d6 is
adding and subtracting combat values). I
went back recently to the CRT and ratios in my 6x6 ancient rules and really
liked it.
- Wanting to play something with more unit
differentiators. I have the game down to
four modifiers for melee and about 3-4 similar modifiers for all other rolls
(command, missile fire, reactions). I
was drawn to Justified Ancients as it had only three main unit types (foot,
cavalry, chariots) and then lots of modifiers for melee such as loose order Vs
close order, light armour Vs heavy armour etc.
I wanted to play a game with more of this differentiation.
Over the last two weeks I have been thinking and thinking,
mulling different options in my head.
Where did I end up?
I will be using a 16”x16” table.
Went back at looked at
Justified Ancients (JA) (1stEdition) after 7 years since I last played it. (Note: J
A is a great set of rules that are no longer available :-( Check out John Davis for reviews, battle reports etc.) Amazing how much of the rules influenced my first foray in rules writing
Ancient Warrior Battles) and its current successor
Ancient Battlelines Clash. JA uses opposed 1d3 for melee. Not wanting to use different die types, I
quickly figured out how easy to translate roll for movement action to a d3 and
firing to an opposed d3. I worked though
the melee modifiers and realised that using my existing unit types (heavy
infantry, medium infantry etc, about 12 of them) then most of the modifiers can
get absorbed into the unit combat values and most of them disappear. One thing I spent a few days working through
was how to deal with Elite troops (JA doesn’t really) until I hit n they count
all 2’s rolled as a 3 that nudges it just a little in their favour. I was
really digging the bell curve of a 2d3 opposed roll. I did like JA having troops harder to order
and finally settled on a 1d3, modifiers really count on a 1d3 and so a natural
3 is always a success.
Yes, I did think of using opposed 1d6 but then I would end
up with a lot of modifiers and also large modifiers (e.g. a +2 for shock in
opposed 1d3 becomes +4).
Two days ago I committed the rules to paper (well a QRS
anyway). Today I played a test game. I
have a feeling these may be the basis of the rules I will move forwards with my
historical playtesting. I also have the
introduction with troop definition and abilities. I may be able to get all the rules into 8
pages, including some examples. I will need to play a few more games before
releasing them.
So the rules look similar to
Ancient Battlelines Clash but
use 1d3 and opposed d3s (compared to 1d6).
Still have to roll to order a unit, unit reacts to being charged or
fired on, most units abilities are the same (impetuous, missile fire,
Changes are that doing an
action is harder; units are now also either trained or untrained (affects
actions); retreats etc. are handles a little differently; evades happen a
little differently; reactions are slightly different; combat results are a
little different; movement distances are about 2/3rds.
It seems smoother to play.
Historical battles are also likely to play
out smoother.
I think the important part is these rulesets were always
about allowing me to play out the
Peter Sides' historical battles.
I am enjoying researching about the battles
as much as the playing, so looking for rules that allow me to play out the
battles fairly fast and have a plausible result.
It could also be that after 200 games with my
own rules I reached my limit of tinkering and so starting something new (well,
major revision anyway!)
Basic Impetus armies are about the right size for the
game I was looking for so I worked on a spreadsheet to convert the armies over
the new rules.
The armies were still
slightly too large so removed a unit from each side.
Sasanian Persian
Sasanian Persians |
1 Pushtigbhan: Cataphracts, Elite
2 Savaran: Heavy Cavalry, bow
1 Nomads: Light Cavalry, bow
1 Militia: Heavy Infantry, poor
1 Archers: Light Archers
1 Slingers: Skirmishers
1 Elephants: Elephant
1 General with the Pushtigbhan
All untrained.
Breakpoint: 6
Late Roman
Late Roman |
1 Clibanarii: Cataphracts
1 Equites: Heavy Cavalry
1 Equites Saggitari: Light Cavalry, bow
2 Legionari: Heavy Infantry
1 Auxilia Palatina: Medium Infantry
1 Comitatensi: Mixed Missile
1 Lanciarii: Skirmisher
1 Funditores: Skirmisher
1 General with the Clibanarii
All trained
Breakpoint: 6
Ready for battle |
Using my deployment guide from my Ancient Battlelines Clash,
the Persians are the attacker and are deployed
to attack on both flanks while the Romans are going for a push in the centre.
The Persian right flank (all of two units!) advances, and
does the centre to protect the two flanks.
The left flank needs a 3+ to do anything (don’t forget this is on a d3)
as untrained and far from the General. Success!
And advance as fast as the elephant allows (3”).
The Roman left and right flank hold – no need to advance
closer to superior units. The Clibanarii
advance up the middle to attack the opposing infantry.
Clibinarii advance up the centre |
End of turn 1 |
The Persian right cavalry wants to charge the Roman light
archers but it is not quite the time (fails activation roll).
The Cataphracts advance to out of range of the light
archers but
in range of the Roman cavalry.
The Roman Clibanarii continues to advance, as does the
legionaries. On the left flank, the
Light archers advance to fire at the Persian cavalry next turn.
Light archers advance |
End of Turn 2 |
The Persian cavalry charge the light archers. In the ensuing missile context the Cavalry
are pushed back (effectively the weight of arrows stopped their charge.
Cavalry charge the archers but pushed back. |
The Cataphracts charge the Roman Heavy Cavalry that retreats
(and is depleted). The Cataphract is spent due to successful charge but still
pursues with not enough movement to recontact. (Spent means you cannot charge next turn. This does not really make sense so a
post-game rules revision was to remove becoming spent from successful
charges. I was uncertain about it going
into this game and so not much dram to get rid of it. Evading units are still
spent though – stops them evading twice in a row. This also requires playtesting!)
Persian Cataphracts charge the heavy cavalry |
The Persian light archers fire at a Roman Skirmisher that is
pushed back.
The elephant moves towards the legions. The accompanying Heavy Cavalry also passes an
order check and charges the Roman right flank (Auxilia Palatina and Comitatensi)
Elephants advance and Persian heavy cavalry charge the Roman right flank. |
The Cavalry is depleted and pushed back (1 in 9 chance).
Cavalry does not make contact due to the weight of missiles. |
The Roman Comitatensi fire on the Heavy Cavalry and it is
depleted again and routs (a 1 in 9 chance
for the depletion. So a 1 in 9 chance followed by a 1 in 9 chance – so a 1 in
81 chance the cavalry would have routed!)
The Roman skirmishers fire at the Militia and the latter are
shaken. The Clibanarii then charges in.
The accompanying Light Archer fires for
no effect. The Militia retreats and depleted. The Light Archers are pushed back
(worst result can get for 2-1 melee). The Clibanarii pursues and still in
contact! Another melee.
The Roman Clibanarii contact the Persian centre. |
The Militia is destroyed and the Light Archers pushed back
again. The Clibanarii pursue, the Light
Archers retreats (now depleted) onto the hill will get an uphill bonus. The Clibanarii continue to pursue and the Light
Archers are now destroyed. (This took so long as the archers insisted on
rolling 3s and the Clibanarii 1s giving the best result to the Light Archers
that was still a retreat.)
One legionary unit wheels and
attacks a skirmishers that routs. The
Legions pursue into the elephant (I really
only did this to see how Elephant combat worked)
The legionaries charge the Elephant. |
Maybe not a good thing – The legionary
unit retreats depleted and shaken. The
Elephant pursues and the legionary unit is destroyed!
The Roman Heavy cavalry is not in
melee and rolls a 3 to remove the depleted. (a reason to get rid of the spent
status - the Cataphracts should really
have charged the heavy cavalry again)
End of Turn 3 |
The Persian Heavy Cavalry fails again
to charge the Light archers. All the other Persians take a breather (fails all action rolls).
The Clibanarii about faces.
The Roman Light Archers fire on Heavy
Cavalry that react by charging the archers for a melee. (this is a change from my old rules – the archers fired so now do not
get to fire again before melee).
Light archers retreats depleted;
Cavalry pursues and archers destroyed.
Turn 4 sees the Persian Heavy cavalry charge and rout the Roman light archers (finally). |
The Persian Cataphract charges the Roman Cavalry that is depleted
and retreats off board. The Persian pursues. Both are counted as lost. The Persians have reached their breakpoint. Game over and a win to the Romans!
The Persian Cataphracts pursue the Roman Heavy Cavalry off the table and the Romans win. |
Rule Changes
- Spent status does not apply to charges
- Elephant are too powerful – reduced combat modifier
from 3 to 2.
Not many changes at all - the rules held up OK after one playtest, the positive is that it all seemed to hang together.
I really enjoyed playing these rules. As I said earlier, it could be tiredness with
my own rules but these are an evolution of my Ancient Battlelines Clash but different
enough that they are worthy of a new name.
I am going to try out some historical battles with them to see if I will
continue with them. I hope so J