As mentioned in the Wars Ancient battle report, I submitted some questions to the author. Mario Magni kindly answered my multitude of questions, mostly clarifications. I have edited them to remove my comments but otherwise are the same as the response I received. I have not included errata from the Wars Ancient FAQ (English version). Note that the Italian version of the FAQ page has a couple more answers.
p17 Combat: How do units already in contact start a melee? Does a DET have to be activated to melee with another unit it is already in contact with?
Detachments when activated before they are moved, when all DETS have moved from the general, if they are in contact with a enemy detachment, fighting. If the fight does not have a winner, the two detachments remain in contact and we can not disengage. In the next round a player can activate a general and assign a command point to activate the detachment in melee, re-roll the dice to try to resolve the melee. Important only activated detachment can roll the dice. The detachments will remain in contact until the players will not solve the melee.
p19 8.4.1 Morale additional rules
This states that a DET can only sustain one Morale damage per game phase. Just to clarify, there are only 3 game phases:
Activations (in alternating general sequence)
So, a DET can receive 1 morale damage at most in missile fire and one m orale damage at most during the activations? Or by game phase did it mean per each general activation phase?
Yes, a detachment can take only 1 damage for phase, so it can only receive 1 damage during the shooting and only 1 damage in the activation phase.
Section 3.0 mentions that DETs are placed within 5MU from our side of the table. Does this mean there is no limit to how close to the side of the table a DETs can be deployed?
Yes part of your side of the table up to 5 MU, within this rectangle can deploy your army.
Section 4.2..2 second paragraph (top of page 12). Can a missile unit can fire on an enemy DET if it is in contact and if in line of sight? If it can fire on a unit it is in contact with, then a javelin unit could fire on a unit contacting it in the flank or rear as it has a 360 degree fire arc.
A DET engaged in melee with the ability Missile can shoot at the sole DET which is in contact on the front. If that DET has the ability to short range can shoot a DET which engages the sides or rear.
Section 4.2.3 readying missile fire. It says a ranged weapon DET can "readying to fire" if it does not move. If it fired, can it be "readying to fire"?
This is an order that a general can make spending a command point. The order says that a DET with the ability missile can prepare (put a counter near the DET) firing during the movement of his opponent. This order remains until that DET is not activated yet, or pulls a DET enemy.
Section 6.1 DET and command points says only a single command point can be spent on a DET. But in 6.3, a command point can be given to a DET (once per game turn) for a bonus in combat. As a CP has to be spent to activate the unit, and another spent to give it a bonus, is 6.3 an exception to 6.1 only having one CP per DET per turn?
Yes. A DET can be activated only once every turn. If a general decides to keep some control points, before you can roll the dice for a melee to give the same that triggered DET (using another point did not use that command to activate DETs) a bonus of +1 MV or +1 to CV.
Section 7.1 Movement. What does "taking place within 90 degrees from the centre of the unit base" mean? Can a unit move forwards, maintain it facing but move a bit to the left and right?
Section 7.1 Movement. Can a unit move straight ahead and turn in the same game turn? I assume they can as nothing prohibits it, and the replay diagrams on the website seem to show you can.
Section 7.2 Turning. Most unit bases are 6cm wide and an MU is 4cm. For a DET to be able to move 90 degrees it will need to move about 9cm. This means the 2MU units (infantry) cannot do a 90 degree turn in one game turn. I then note in 7.3 Battle maneuvering, under the dot point "rotation 90 degrees", that a DET can rotate to change facing and if done twice it is an about turn. I realise this is a very different maneuver to a turn - it rotating on the unit base , not a turn.
a) is it correct that a turn of 90 degrees is not possible to 2MU units?
b) if the cost of an about turn is all of a DET's MU, what is the cost of changing facing (rotation) by only 90 degrees - half the DET's MU?
There is a FAQ on the site, which says that a rotation of 90° DET spending 1 MU of movement, then a DET can rotate 90 degrees and move to a 1 MU.
Section 8.2 Combat Ratio. If the active DET combat value is less, the best possible result is repulsed. What are these results?
DET (A) CV 3 attack DET (B) CV 4
dice results and effect:
--1-- (A) check morale if wrong take 1 hit.
--2-- (A) retreats
--3-- (B) retreats
--4-- (A) e (B) check morale if (B) wrong retreats, if (A) wrong take 1 hit.
--5-- (B) check morale if wrong, retreats
--6-- (B) retreats
Section 8.2.1 states that DET in SWAMP suffer -1 to morale and some DET types cannot cross. Section 10 states that a SWAMP is impassable (and section 8.5 has a diagram showing SWAMP as an example of impassable terrain. Is 8.2.1 incorrect and SWAMP is impassable?
The swamp is impassable for only certain types of DET. The example is made for a special DET as chariot or elephant, Yes, the pictures can be misunderstood..
Section 8.5 Impossible retreat. If blocked, a routed/retreating DET suffers a morale damage. If it has already sustained a morale damage during melee this game phase (for example, it is retreating and so has just got a morale damage), does it receive another one and so be destroyed? 8.4.1 has that a DET can sustain only one morale damage a game turn phase.
A DET take a hit, check morale, if it wrong and flee, only 1 damage will suffer , if it can not escape because its corridor of escape is blocked, can not suffer another injury because a DET suffer 1 damage in a turn.
Section 8.6.1 blocked escape route - same question as above. If the DET has already suffered damage this game phase, will it receive another morale damage and so be destroyed?
No, see above.
Section Attribute list (on the back page):
a) MOUNTED. The +1 to CV - has this already been calculated into their profile?
b) FRAIL. I assume this is the same as FRAGILE that is in the WAR MACHINES description?
c) SPEARS has a attribute of LANCE. I assume this is the supposed to be the attribute SPEARS.
d) FLANKERS and FORMATION. These give bonuses when on the flank. Do they also give the bonus if the DET is to the rear of the unit and in contact?
e) COMMAND, CHARISMATIC LEADER and ORDER - these are included for leader descriptions?
f) ELUSIVE is a list attribute but not an attribute for any DETs.
g) MOB state it is an irregular infantry formation not suffering flanking negative effects. Does this mean MOB acts like the FORMATION attribute, but flanking MOB DETs will add +1 CV regardless of if they are in contact with enemy units?
a) YES
b) YES
c) YES
d) YES
e) YES
f) No. It is in the FAQ - Elusive is a BOWMEN's ability.
g) MOB have +1 MV in contact.
The DET list on back page and also the army cards. BOWMEN has a CV of 3 (6) and WAR MACHINES a CV of 2 (8). What are the values in parentheses - the (6) and the (8)?
They are values that I added to the optional rules that will come out.
When a unit routs, can the attacking DET pursue? The rules state (section 8.6) a retreating unit has the attacking DET pursue (if it wishes or has to if impetuous). Is a routing unit treated as retreating? A retreat is only 1MU but a routing cavalry moves 5MU so would an attacking infantry pursue and remain in contact?
A detachment can pursue another detachment of the enemy only 1 MU.
Can a DET move away from an enemy it is on contact with?
Friday, 24 June 2011
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