Various Pages to rules and replays

Wednesday, 9 October 2024

Operation Jupiter 26 – Point 112, a 20mm WW2 battle report


This is game 26 in replaying the scenarios from the Briton Publishers Operation Jupiter skirmish scenario book.  Links to previous games are on this blog page.

Rules used

I am using my ww2 rules that I had for a 3x4 grid that I then made a gridless version for 2’x2’ games.  These games are larger forces on a bigger table (half a table tennis table or 4x5’x5’) so I have modified them a little so now added a few things from my older rules - unit card activation and now each figures is not suppressed but a section can be if fired on by enough dice.  They are very similar to rule I used 10 years ago.  Going back to what I know!


The British win if they gain a foothold at the north end of the orchard and hold on for two turns. The Germans win if they prevent this.  There is no turn limit.  The British need to cross open ground to get to the orchard.



1xCompany HQ (4 figures)

2xPlatoons (10 figures each)

1x6pdr+tow (this is supposed to be a 40mm Bofors but I don’t have one)

4xChruchill VII

2 25pdr missions (average availability)

Note: the image has the 6pdr with a carrier but changed the carrier for a Morris during the game.


1xKompanie HQ (4 figures)

1xZug (10 figures each)


1xStug IIIG



The german tanks and MG far away to get British as they cross the open ground.

Zug in the hedgeline to move to the new hedgeline to repel the British. Kompanie HQ is reserve!

German Deployment, British enter bottom right


Churchills come on first and then the German armour fires first and and damages one of the Churchills

Damaged Churchill

The German Zug moves into the Orchard.

One British platoon enters using the Churchills as cover.  Accurate firing by the German MMG sees a section reduced from 3 to 1 figures, and suppressed.

British platoon enters, and already two figures lost to a German MMG

The Churchills continue to advance sheltering the infantry.  The German tanks damage another Churchill and with MG fire the suppressed section is routed.

Another Churchill damaged

Another British section enters, as does the 6pdr, I mean Bofors.

The 2nd British section enters

The “Bofors” enters

Just realised I have forgotten the British have 25pdrs in support.  The British company HQ enters so can call that artillery.  The Panzers keep firing and another Churchill damaged..  The Churchills fire back and damage both! (so lucky)

Damaged Panzers

The British 1st platoon is down to 50% but passes a morale check. A British section makes it to the hedgerow and spots a Gruppe.  The section fires but does nothing.

British have reached the hedgerow!

The British CHQ calls in the 25pdrs into the orchard and 2 German figures are routed.

The Churchills fire again on the Panzers and the Panzer IV is destroyed.

PanzerIV KO

The British get one up on the Germans and the Brits on the hedgerow fire again and destroy 2 German figures and suppress a Gruppe.  The remaining Gruppe figure fails to rally and routs.  However, the other Germans all fire back and the British section is destroyed.  The British 1st platoon is down to 2 figures that retreat suppressed.

Firing at the Germans again

OMG.  British CHQ calls in the 25pdr again and three German figures gone in the orchard (average is 1).  And the Germans pull back.  The MMG continues to fire and another 2 British figures are lost.

The Churchills fire again and the Stug is destroyed.  The Germans have been a) unlucky in die rolling and b) just not getting the cards until later in the turn.

Stug KO

The British cannot afford to lose too much more to be able to meet victory conditions.  They need to get almost all the remaining infantry to the hedge.  I don’t think they will.

British side

The infantry and the remaining mobile Churchill move to the hedgerow.

British at the hedgerow again

The German 1st section routs due to poor rallying. 

The British 1st section (2 figs left) tries to rally but one figure routs.  The British do have not enough infantry left to meet the victory condition.  So close!


Such a great game.  It was good to get out the 20mm on a decent sized table.  Not a lot of terrain but the Operation Jupiter scenarios have never failed to deliver an interesting game.


  1. So close Shaun, but not close enough ☹️
    C’est la guerre I suppose.
    The German MG42 performed well, inflicting numerous casualties on the Brits. Things might have ended differently if only you’d remembered the artillery support earlier…

    1. It was close, I had thought the Germans were going to win fairly easy but it was harder due to the long distances between the tanks. Definitely earlier artillery could have changed the battle.

  2. With all that open ground I'm amazed the British got to the hedge at all! Nice to see the 10 figure platoons, all very Charles Grant.

    1. I was surprised too but the distance between the opposing tanks worked out to be about 800-1000 metres. I love the 10 figutre platoon as as well. I did not know of Battle until discovering Richard Baber's blog a long time ago, and since then love the idea of 3 figure sections/10 person platoons.

  3. Lovely little scenario there Shaun! I think the artillery at the start would have made a difference for the Brits, but you never know.

    1. Hello Steve
      All the scenarios are quite good. With good dice rolling, the artillery definitely would have made a difference. Possibly dropping smoke in front of the Panzers would have helped! Or even suppressing the German MG.

  4. Nice to see you using the big table, Shaun. Sounds like a close one. Makes we want to break out the Commando comics!

    1. i do love the half a table tennis table and the old plastic 20mm figures. It has been my fav and sweet spot for quite a few years now. And close (as in maybe 2-3 years) to being able to have it set up all the time!

  5. A tough ask for the Brits there. They did well to get as close as they did! And who doesn't love seeing a few Churchills in the table?

    1. Hello Alan,
      'Twas a close game indeeed.

      I do love getting out the Churchills on the table, the more the better!
