Various Pages to rules and replays

Saturday, 21 September 2024

Six quick very small linked FiveCore Pulp Skirmish games


I am planning to run a 10-game (or thereabouts) Five Men in Normandy Campaign and then follow that up with a 1st Edition Five Parsecs from Home campaign. 1st edition as it uses the 5Core rules and doesn’t track money.  But while setting up for that I thought I would run through using the rules and a quick campaign system using FiveCore Skirmish Pulp Adventures.  I will be using 2 figures that is less than the recommended figures  (4-6).  Why?  Well, I want to run the 5PfH with only a few characters and so need to see if the rules hold up.  I have done few test games and they seem to work fine but want to stress test them with only a few figures.

Note that this mini-campaign has all the games in one blog post.  The games did not take long and so rather than split them across multiple posts, I just put them all in one.  And did not do much of a narrative, more just explained what happenned. For the other campaigns I will split out battles and hopefully a bit more narrative.

I used an Excel spreadsheet to simplify the generation the missions and determine post-mission results.


Well, when I say 5Core skirmish, the rules are based on 5Core but not the same J  I cannot help but tinker!

·        I have converted the 1K1S results to 1d6 (I like rolling 1d6) and 3 results – pinned (no reaction fire, can’t move, Ok next activation), suppressed (no move or fire until rallied but if suppressed when already suppressed need to retreat into newer cover.) and KO (out of action).

·        To hide a figure needs to be out of LOS (e.g. behind a building) not just ducking down.  A figure ducking down can still be fired at but can’t be knocked out, just suppressed (unless with 4” then possibly KO).  This stems out of some conversations with Just Jack on how he plays 5MiN (in the comments).

·        A figure can react fire if fired on and it missed, or if a figure moves into LOS as per the rules.  If a figure reaction fires they can still be activated next turn.  This is similar to FiveCore Company Command.  It makes it easier to play the game and one less marker!

And why Pulp for the campaign?  It has a simple campaign system that will not be very taxing.  I have may some changes to simplify and also to reflect I am using quite small forces:

·        No Heroes as having them always activate would skew the game.  I just have two decent characters to start.  Skills are from 5MiN as I had a character generator already set up for that.

·        Only one resource per mission as fewer forces.

·        I tweaked slightly the weapons that may appear.

Table size and figures

Table size is 12”x12” and using cm instead of inches for measurement.  I cannot be bothered with the 2’x2’ boards right now. For the 5MiN games I will almost definitely be using 2’x2’ and inches.  Not sure on board size yet for 5Parsecs but likely measurement also in inches.

Figures are 20mm and I am using WW2 Russian and partisan figures as they look a little pulp-ish.   

To show pinned and suppressed I use little grass-like tufts – one for pinned, two for suppressed.

Initial forces

Charlton and Bevan

Charlton, rifle, tough

Bevan, shotgun.

Game 1


You were attacked while exploring or digging. Set up within 6” of the middle of the table. Enemies set up on the board edge away near a random table edge. Heroes must set up first. Enemy setup edge 4.

Resources for this mission: petrol bomb.


The boss and 2 other agents

3 Government agents

Boss: brawling, good shot, tough, rifle

Agent 2: rifle

Agent 3: carbine


Table (with forces deployed)

LOS blocking hill or bushes | Structure | LOS blocking forest or ruins

LOS blocking forest or ruins | Structure | Rough e.g. marsh, craters

LOS blocking hill or bushes | Scatter e.g. boulders, debris, single trees | Scatter e.g. boulders, debris, single trees


Bevan gets the petrol bomb.  For the government agents and three figures I rolled 1 action die and then another d6 and if it was 4+, they got another action die.  Charlton and Bevan get one action die.

Setup.  You can see Charlton and Bevan in the building ruin.

Charlton and Bevan setup in the ruins.  The government agents are just off the table and decide to come in through the bushes.  Tempted to go over the hill, into the forest and storm the ruins but seems a waste when there are two rifles with a long range advantage.

The agents move on the board, one with a scurry.  The other two move together and Bevan reaction fires at them and pins the boss.  In our heroes turn, Bevan fires again at the boss to no effect.  The boss cannot fire back as she is pinned.  However, next turn she fires and supresses Bevan.

Opening shots

Charlton activates, and Bevan attempts to rally and is now only pinned. Charlton fires at the Boss, misses and the Boss returns fire and Charlton is supressed.   The government agents fire back and Charlton is suppressed again so must retreat.  On the good news, the agent with the carbine is out of ammo and needs to spend an action to reload.

Charlton retreats

Bevan fires and suppresses the carbine armed agent.  But is also out of ammo.  At least he is no longer pinned as that is removed at the end of activation.

The rifle armed agent moves up to be closer to the building.  Now within 4 of Bevan so a chance to KO him.    Fires and Bevan is suppressed.

Agents move ahead

Bevan unsuppresses and then is suppressed and supressed again by good agent fire and retreats.  Charlton unsuppresses while the lone agent enters the building and suppresses Charlton again. Bevan unsuppresses and he Boss agent dashes into the building.

Agents in the building

Bevan throws a petrol bomb into the building. And it has no effect at all!

The lone agent charges the supressed Charlton.  Charlton retreats.  The agent moves 3 and enters melee with Bevan and they are locked in melee.  The boss then charges to melee with Bevan, Bevan is suppressed and must retreat.

The agents force our heroes back

With both Bevan and Charlton suppressed near an edge and the fact that the agents can charge them again, Bevan and Charlton retreat from the table and accept defeat.

Post mission

Mission: fail.

Loot: no loot.

Event: Picked this up in Shang-Hai. The Adventurer or Hero with the lowest number of skills gains a new skill. Pick at random in case of multiple candidates. Bevan acquires the skill covering fire (may fire after a scurry move).


Well, that was a very basic game of two sides standing across from one another. But the rules held up and I enjoyed the narrative.  The terrain setup did not help.   For the 1x1 tables, I am going from a 9 square area generation to a 5 area system (centre and four surrounds) to lessen the terrain.  

Game 2


You’ve acquired the goods and are trying to make it back to the plane/boat/truck. Set up in the centre of the table. Bad guys split into two and set up on the table edge from you on two random, opposing table edges. Setup edge 1.

Resource: blunt weapon.


1 Bandits and looters. Boss: brawling good shot shotgun.


Rough e.g. marsh, craters | LOS blocking hill or bushes

                Rough e.g. marsh, craters

Linear obstacles | Rough e.g. marsh, craters


Charlton gets the blunt weapon.

And with only one bandit, the enemy will not split into two groups :-)

Charlton and Bevan setup in the centre.


Our adventurers go first.  They move to a nearby crater.  The Bandit also moves to a crater (out of the open) and fires at them and suppresses Charlton.

Charlton suppressed

Bevan fires at the Bandit and knocks him out!  That was a fast game.  A lucky 6 ends it all.

The Bandit is KO

Post Mission

Mission: pass.

Loot: scraps give 1; 1 artefact Books; sell the Books for 3.

Event: Bad morale Select a random character. If they go Out of Action during the next encounter, they will leave the party permanently.  Character selected is Bevan.


Longer to set up than to play! haha.  Anyway, there is always going to be these games with a small number of figures where a few 6’s early will decide the game.  I am fine with that.

Game 3


You were attacked while exploring or digging. Set up in the middle of the table. Enemies set up on a random table edge edge. Heroes must set up first. Setup edge 3.

Resource: nothing.


2 Secret society agents, Secret society agents Boss: brawling good shot handgun; others: handgun/weakling.


Linear obstacles | Linear obstacles

                LOS blocking hill or bushes

LOS blocking hill or bushes | Structure


Charlton and Bevan set up the best they can. There is only cover for one person in the centre and that goes to Charlton.

The agents could set up to go to the building but the boss only has a handgun with a short range  so decide to go via the hedges – at least there is cover that way.  First move for the agents can be a Scurry so no reaction fire.

View from the agents

The agents scurry on.  Charlton fires at the closest agent but misses, the agent fires back and Charlton is suppressed and decides to retreat.

Charlton is suppressed and retreats

The boss agent moves up and fires at Bevan and misses.  Next turn Bevan fires at the Boss, misses and then the boss return fire downs Bevan.

Bevan is down!

The boss agent now moves close the Charlton, fires and causes Charlton the retreat, effectively going off the board.

Charlton retreats under fire

The secret socity agents have won.  Worse, Bevan leaves Charlton, he has had enough (this is the event from last game).

Post Mission

Mission: fail.

No loot.

Charlton recruits a character (for 3 F$): Owens, good shot, handgun

Charlton and Owens

Event: Custom gun. A random character may upgrade their firearm to increase the range by +2”.  This would be Owens as the handgun only has a range of 6.


Another quick game but gets the narrative going.  And learning a bit about playing with only a few characters a side.  So much luck!  I think I have been too bold with the Pcs and need to be a bit more careful. 

Game 4


You’ve acquired the goods and are trying to make it back to the plane/boat/truck. Set up anywhere in the centre of the table. Bad guys are split in two and set up on two random, opposing table edges. Setup edge 4.

Resource: area map (after setup may move a character for free)


1 Secret society agents, Secret society agents Boss: brawling good shot rifle.


Linear obstacles | Rough e.g. marsh, craters

                LOS blocking hill or bushes

LOS blocking hill or bushes | Structure



Charlton and Owens in the centre, The agent is setup to move into the building. 

Owen moves into a crater as the free move to get closer to the building. The Adventurers go first and Charlton dashes into the same crater as Owens.

Charlton and Owens in the crater

The agent moves into the building. Owens opens fire in reaction and the agent is pinned.  Owens now fires in his turn and misses, and is also needs to reload.

Agent pinned in the building

The agent fires at Owens and pins him, and now the agent is no longer pinned.  Charlton fires at the agent and they are suppressed.  The agent fails to recover.  Charlton charges the agent (best chance he has as the agent is suppressed) and the agent is knocked out!

Charlton charges the agent

Our heroes have won the day.


Mission: pass.

Loot: scraps give 2.

Gained a lead.

Event: Showing promise. Select a random Follower and upgrade them to an Adventurer. Have no followers so no effect.


A good game. Even though 2 on 1, it is hard to dislodge someone form a building unless you are close, or charge when they are suppressed.

Game 5


You were attacked on your way to the objective. Forces set up within 6" of opposing table edges. Setup edge 3. Bad guys set up first.

Resource: dynamite.


1 Bandits and looters, Boss: brawling, good shot, tough, autorifle.


Structure | LOS blocking forest or ruins

                Scatter e.g. boulders, debris, single trees

Rough e.g. marsh, craters | Rough e.g. marsh, craters


Give the dynamite to Owens.


Charlton fires at the boss bandit.  Rolls a 6 and he is KO.  The Pcs win!


Mission: pass.

Loot: scraps give 1; 1 artefact Jewels; sell them for 2.

Gained 2 leads. (3 total)

Event: Maintenance expenses. Deduct 1 F$ from available funds.

Total current F$: 3

Game 6


You were attacked on your way to the objective. Forces set up within 6" of opposing table edges. Bad guys set up first. Setup edge 3.

Resource: shortcut.  (enemy deploys on table edge)

And the leads have led us to a big find!


1 Government agents, Government agents Boss: brawling tough rifle.


Structure | Structure


Structure | Linear obstacles



Agent goes first; get an event of an extra member.  They both move into the building.

The two agents advance

Charlton fires at the boss and they are pinned. The new agent rallies the boss, fires at Charlton, misses.  Charlton fires back and also misses. Charlton fires at the boss and misses, the boss returns fire and also misses. The boss fires and it out of ammo.

So far, really bad dice rolling for so many misses.  And no scurries rolled so cannot really advance. And now having wrote that, Charlton rolls a scurry and drags Owens with him to a close building.  In my rules if you are firing at a hard cover >12 12 away you cannot KO them.  After moving, the two sides are within 12.  Although Owens pistol is still out of range.

Charlton and Owens move closer

At the worst time, the Agent boss gets spooked (random event see them suppressed).  The fellow agent rallies them, fires and suppresses Charlton!  Charlton fails to rally.  And then he has had enough and leaves the firefight.  Owens has also had enough and follows him.

I think I will finish the mini-campaign as I want to move to 5MiN and this was just a stop gap.


Well, that was fun.  From a mechanics perspective it worked fine.  Small forces can be quick or not as there is not too much tactics after the first move or two.  There would definitely be more tactical moves with 3 or more figures.  I also think I will ensure that is will be very rare to have a single figure as the enemy as it was more interesting having two enemies than 1.   The 5Core Pulp has a simple between battle tasks compared to 5MiN or 5Parsecs, but that is OK as that is why I chose it.  It also has fairly generic missions compared to the variety in 5MiN or 5Parsecs.  I think the Pulp rules would benefit from some more mission variety.  All of the Pulp ones are a variation on set the forces up and drive the enemy from the field. 


  1. That was interesting (especially as Pulp isn’t something I game at all) and seemed to hang together coherently. I suspect much of this could easily be converted to other period anyway - although I understand Nordic Weasel do quite a number anyway. It’s always good to see how games pan out on a small tabletop battlefield.

    1. All the Nordic Weasel game capaign sequence does fit quite well together. Some have a lot more inter-battle tasks than others. I did choose the Pulp set as it is comparatively simple. And you are right it could be applied to just about any period you want.

  2. Thanks, I really enjoyed that. Given me some good inspiration too, I really want to get a similar-type No End in Sight/T2000 game to the table along these lines.

    1. Thanks. Happy to be a giver of a little bit of inpiration :-)

  3. Not my sort of thing these days, but I love the series of small games which can develop a narrative etc, which is the sort of thing I do enjoy!

    1. They were very small games! But it was interesting how a narrative did develop. If I was a little more on the ball it would have been easy to expand on the narrative.

  4. Remind me: does 5Core have much in the way of mechanics for doing things other than combat?

    1. Not really. 5Core Skirmish has a few pages covering searching, persuasion and tasks. 5Core Pulp has a 2 page task system. 5Core Skirmish you get to use tasks, search, persuasion in the missions (there are about 12 missions and some include tasks etc.). But the missions always have an enemy. 5core is more like Pulp Alley in that respect. No specific non-combat task generation like in THW. 5Parsecs from Home (1st edition) was an expansion for 5Core Skirmish that included a lot of inter-battle stuff but if you look at 2nd or 3rd it is very similar. But then of course, 2nd edition went a different path with completley different combat mechanisms. I hope to start a 1st edition 5PfH game as it is a little different to the 2nd edition (no credit tracking for instance in 1st). And I like the 5Core Skirmish mechanisms. Note that while playing the games above they did have a bit of the THW combat feel to them.

    2. Hi Shaun, that is a really interesting, narrative linked series of games. I do really like all the rules sets in FiveCore series and most of Ivan's other rules too. They're great value for money in terms of playability and adaptability.

      I was surprised to see you change away from the Kill & Shock dice mechanism. I've always seen that as one of the best combat mechanisms I've ever used. Very innovative and exciting to use. Still, that is one of the advantages of Ivan's rules, they're eminently modifiable.

      Hi Shawn, regarding your question about whether there are mechanisms for things other than combat, I think Shaun may have unintentionally sold FiveCore a bit short. The current version (3rd edition) is packed with extra goodies. (That's a common feature of Ivan's rules and one of the reasons they're such good value for money.) Just to give you an idea, here's the contents list.

      GLOSSARY 7
      MAN TO MAN MODE 15
      BRAWLING 27
      WEAPONS 30
      VEHICLES 51
      SOLO GAMING 66
      MISSIONS 71
      HEROES ALL 94
      CAMPAIGNS 96

    3. I have played 5Core in the past using the Kill and Shock dice. I just really really like resolving things with 1 die. I have this terrible habit of taking rules and converting them to be single 1d6 rolls only. The single 1d6 for five core does produce similar results to the K & S (I do a fair bit of matching probabilities to see if they do). But I do agree that the Kill and Shock is very elegant. Shawn I believe has 5Parsecs, the 2nd and 3rd edition is no longer 5Core (although 2nd and 3rd 5PfH are based on 1st edition that used 5Core for Combat). 5Core and 5Parsecs are still battles with inter-battle stuff (more in 5PfH than most), rather than RPG-lite with more non-combat tasks available to play out. I am just about to start a 5PfH 1st edition game (as it uses 5Core for combat), but the inter-battle stuff I am going to see if I can convert more of them into tasks, rather than just occurances.
