Various Pages to rules and replays

Thursday, 26 December 2024

Battle of Naissus, 268 AD using Ancient Battlelines Clash


This is game 69 in play testing my ancient rules by replaying historical battles.  I started by using my own rules Ancients Battlelines Clash (ABC) but recently using a similar set of my rules, When Warriors Collide (WWC).  I recently updated ABC with some learnings from WWC, so back to using ABC!  I am play testing rules by replaying all the Peter Sides scenarios from his Historical Battles books, and some others I find along the way.  ABC is designed to finish in around 30 minutes on a 2’x2’ or smaller table; I am currently using a 40cmx40cm table.

Battle of Naissus, 268 AD

The Goths invade Greece and Roman Emperor Gallienus march an army to meet them.

Scenario source: Peter Sides Ancient Historical Battles Volume 2.




Romans (Gallienus)

2 LDR, 2 HC, 2 LC, 2 HI, 1 MI, 2 LA.

Breakpoint: 2.5


2 LDR, 2 HC, 5WB, 2 LI, 1 Camp

Breakpoint: 3.5


Map: Open.

Special rules: The Gothic camp is a laager.  It is twice the size of normal camp and if defeated is not looted and stay on the table and cannot be attacked again.  It does count as lost breakpoints though.


Deployment, Romans on the left

Romans (Gallienus):





Gallienus needs to win the left flank where he is slightly stronger.  Should be able to hold the centre and their right flank for long enough to win.  Alternatively, hope to win the centre. 

Gallienus advances all his units. On the left flank, Gallienus Heavy Cavalry advances to close enough to the Gothic Heavy Cavalry that they must charge (into both the Light Cavalry and the Heavy Cavalry).

Gothic leader (right) charging the Roman left flank cavalry

The Light Cavalry missile fire forces the Gothic cavalry back

Gothic cavalry retreats

The Warband line advances.  The Roman Light Archer fire and one Warband in response charges them, and the Auxilia next to them.  The Warband routs the Light Archer.

Warband in melee with the Light Archer.  It will rout.

The next turn the remaining Light Archer fires on the Warband that charges it and the Light Archer is disordered.

The other Light Archer in melee.  It is only disordered.

This is a chance for the Romans to hit the centre Warbands – the outer Warband are engaged (with the Auxilia and the Light Archer and so with a leader present the Romans may be able to win against the three Warband.  They give it a go.  All four units in melee are disordered.

Disordered centre

On the Roman left flank, the Gallienus Heavy Cavalry charge the Light Infantry that fire for no effect and retreat.  The Roman Heavy Cavalry charges into the Gothic Heavy Cavalry.  A subsequent melee sees both disordered.

Heavy Cavalry clash on the flank

The Light Cavalry charges in.  While at a -1 difference, the Light Cavalry, if they can survive, will mean the HC must focus on them first, rather than the Roman Heavy Cavalry. Luckily the Light Cavalry is only disordered.  However, the next turn the Light Cavalry is routed.  Would have been good to hang around just one more turn.

Roman Light Cavalry comes to assist the Heavy Cavalry

The centre sees the Roman Auxilia disordered, one legion routed and the Light Archer routed as well.  The Romans not doing well holding the centre.

Damaged Roman centre

The Romans try something – on the right flank the Heavy Cavalry head for a disordered Warband while the Light Cavalry moves to block the Gothic flank from retaliating.  The Light Cavalry just has to hang in there for a turn or two.

Aggressive play on the Roman right

The Roman legion leader manages to rout a Warband.  The Auxilia hangs on against the Warband.

The Roman leader routs an opposing Warband

The battle on the Roman right flank is a 50/50 chance either way.  And it is the Gothic Heavy Cavalry that rolls badly and routs.

The Heavy Cavalry in melee.  The Gothic cavalry on the right routs soon after.

A Warband mandatory charges the Heavy Cavalry and the Warband is routed.  The Gothic army breakpoint is reached and they leave the field.  The Romans have won!  It was close, one more Roman heavy unit routed and the Romans would have lost.

Warband charges the Heavy Cavalry



I am always amazed as something that seems like a simple setup – heavy infantry in the centre, cavalry on the wings – ends up being such a tense battle.  Game could have easily gone either way.  I thought the Roman would eventually come out on top without too much trouble.  But after starting the game and looking at the troops again realised that each zone (wings and centre) were well matched.   Enjoyed the scenario and the also playing my revised rules I did for the prevous game. No changes and no clarifications due to this game. 


  1. Nicely done ⚔️⚔️ The fact it proved to be such a close run thing shows it was a good scenario. The Romans achieved victory and, for a while at least, the barbarian tide was turned back. Still, the barbarians would soon continue their efforts…
    Enjoy the rest of your Christmas. Cheers,

    1. Thanks Geoff. It is a well balanced battle that could go either way. Tempted to play this battle again using some published rules I want to test out. I have the figures out anyway.

  2. Great to see as always that you can get a lot of action in a small space and with few figures/bases:).

    1. Thanks Steve. The 40cmx40cm is working well for these battles. One day I may jump back to my more normal, and much larger, 2'x2' :-)

  3. As a mostly 1:1 skirmish wargamer I think it's really interesting and I like the tactics and strategies included in such 'larger battles'.
    Happy New Year!

    1. Thanks Roger, happy new year to you as well!
      I never did much skirmish gaming up until about 5 years ago as I was never fond of it but have found I really do like it after all.
