Various Pages to rules and replays

Friday, 12 February 2021

Battle of Chaeronea 86BC using Ancients Battlelines Clash


This is game 53 in play testing my ancient rules by replaying historical battles.  I have revised the d3 in the rules to now all be d6.  d3 Ancients Clash was a minor revision of Ancients Battlelines Clash so have gone back to calling them Ancients Battlelines Clash.  90% of the rules are the same between the old ABC and d3AC.  I had just finished writing d3 Ancients Clash so should be soon I can revise them as the new version of Ancients Battlelines Clash an post them. I am play testing the rules by replaying all the Peter Sides scenarios from his Historical Battles books.  ABC is designed to finish in around 30 minutes on a 2’x2’ table.

Battle of Chaeronea

Sulla manages to bring Mithidrates VI’s army to battle.

Here are a few internet links of interest I used for this replay:


Command and Colours:

Aaron’s Lost Battles replay:




3 Legions, Heavy Infantry, elite, line relief, missile protection

3 Allied Legions, Heavy Infantry, line relief, missile protection

3 Velites, Skirmishers, javelin

2 Heavy Cavalry

1 +1 General (Sulla) with the Heavy Cavalry on right.

Subleader with Cavalry on the left.


All trained.

Breakpoint: 9




1 Phalanx

3 Phalanx, poor

2 Allied Heavy infantry, poor

2 Light infantry, javelin

2 Skirmishers, javelin

2 Heavy Cavalry

1 Light Cavalry, bows

1 Scythed Chariot

1 General (Archelaus) with the Heavy Cavalry on left.


All trained.

Breakpoint:  10


Scenario changes

I drastically reduced the Pontic forces but they still have more than the Romans.  I also did not model the defile as the main battle lines would be clashing outside of it and so would not impact my recreation of the battle.


Romans on the left, Pontic on the right.


The Romans need to win the centre – the flanks are much the same on either side.   With that knowledge, the Romans advance the centre.

The Pontic army advance their army (except the left flank cavalry that did not get the order to move), including launching the Scythed Chariot at the enemy line.

Both sides advance.

The Scythed Chariot makes it through the skirmishers but fails miserably against the legions and retires.


Scythed Chariots pit themselves against a Roman legion.

The Roman centre continues to advance and the skirmishers exchange missile fire. Neither inflicts any damage and both retire from the field.

Skirmishers exchange missile fire

Some legions are in range of the Pontic light infantry and so the latter fire their missiles. Although is does not disorder the Romans, the legion advances into the light infantry and accompanying Allied Heavy Infantry.  The Light infantry are destroyed and the legion is disordered.

Legion advances into opposing forces while under missile fire.

On the Pontic turn they do not advance the centre, pinning hops on their superior (but only just) left flank.  The latter, sent the skirmish cavalry forwards to harass Sulla and his cavalry.  The light cavalry retreat, Sulla pursues and gets close enough to Archelaus (the opposing general) that Archelaus charged Sulla.  Sulla is at a disadvantage as Archelaus is supported by the light cavalry.

Archelaus charges Sulla.

Wow.  Two 6’s in a row sees Sulla forced to retire with his cavalry.  The game is not over as there is a subleader to take over for the Romans, but not looking good for the Romans. 

Oh now, the Roman right infantry flank decides to not yet engage the enemy.  However, the left flank charges in.  Mostly disorders (this will favour the Romans next turn as the phalanxes are disordered and poor).

Roman left infantry flank in melee.

Archelaus and the cavalry about face.  A few turns of movement will see them in the rear of the Roman infantry on the right.  Speaking of which, the Roman right flank charge in.  The entire battleline of both sides is engaged.

The engaged battleline.

A few disorders and one legion is routed on the left flank.

There used to be six legions, now only five.

Archelaus is moving towards the rear of the Romans.

Racing towards the rear

In the battleline, another legion lost but the Pontic side has lost two heavy units.  Rome can afford to lose only one more unit before it is broken (The Pontic army need to lose another three).

The battleline is much thinner

Another Pontic unit lost!   And Archelaus arrives in the rear.

Attacked in the rear

Unsurprisingly, the legion is routed and Rome has lost.


Rule changes

I did make some changes to the rules going from 2D3 back to D6.  The main one is that missiles fire now uses the same results table as melee, although the modifiers are different.  And I made the missile contests and missile firing trigger and process a bit easier so missiles are now very clear as to when and results.


The revised missile rules worked well.  Happy with being back to 1d6 rather than 2d3.  The game was closer than it seemed as it Sulla had held out a little longer the Romans would have likely won the centre infantry battle.


  1. Colorful and beautiful units for this famous battle!

  2. As always a nice little battle and one that all of us could achieve, due to the small space and relatively few units required:). Interesting to see how often Ancients games can turn onsuch a seemingly small outcome, such as Sulla in this game.

    1. Hello Steve, After so many battles, i think most of them are well suited to a small table.

      And it was unfortunate that Sulla had such bad luck. Small fast games are very fickle - a very bad (or very good) dice roll or two can change the entire game. At least it is never dull :-)

  3. Wow, a change of history! That is one of the enjoyable things about wargamng isn't it? As you said, had Sulla held on a bit longer the Roman centre would have won and 'history repeats all over again'.
    Regards, James

    1. Thanks James. What I do like is when the battle goes a different way to history, I can see how it could have played out historically.

  4. an interesting game.

    I have read somewhere that Sulla's army was actually half Greco-Macedonian, a fact he conveniently edited i his relentless self-promotion - they were somewhat alarmd at the Mithridatists' notion of freeing and arming slaves. So you could add a few Heavy Infantry - Poor to the Roman side and expand the Mithridatists in parallel.

    Also, Frontinus says the Mithridatists included Italians defeated in the Social War, so you could give them 1 Allied Legion
    ( he put them behind the phalanx so I don't know if they saw much action )

    1. Thanks! It is one of those battles where there is not as much information as for others (at least on the internet, academically there may be more). So the forces involved could be tweaked as you say. It does produce a close game and I was surprised it is not a common a scenario as I expected it to be.
