Various Pages to rules and replays

Saturday, 7 December 2019

Battle of Metaurus 207BC using Ancients Battlelines Clash

This is game 43 in play testing my ancient rules by replaying historical battles.  The latest version of ‘Ancient Battlelines Clash’ is on its own blog page. I am play testing the rules by replaying all the Peter Sides scenarios from his Historical Battles books.  ABC is designed to finish in around 30 minutes on a 2'x2' table.
I have been slow in play testing these rules for the last few years.  For November 2019 I set a challenge to play the 10 First and Second Punic Wars battles in the book.  This battle is game 8 of the 10 I managed to play in November.

Battle of Metaurus 207BC
One of the most important battles of the Second Punic War, Hasdrubal Barca has led his troops from Spain into Italy to reinforce his brother Hannibal.   After a series of misfortunes, Hasdrubal is forced to fight the Romans in Northern Italy.

This is the Wikipedia internet link:


4 legionaries, Heavy Infantry
4 Allies, Heavy Infantry
4 Velites, Skirmish Infantry, javelins
3 Cavalry, Medium Cavalry
Leader with a legion on left.
Breakpoint: 11


3 Spanish/Africans, Heavy Infantry
2 Ligurians, Heavy Infantry
2 Gauls, Heavy Infantry, warband, poor
2 Skirmishers, Skirmish Infantry, javelins
1 Numidian cavalry, Light Cavalry, javelins
1 Gallic Cavalry, Medium Cavalry
1 Elephant, poor
Leader with the Cavalry.

Breakpoint: 11

Gauls are rated poor due to poor performance in the battle.
Elephant is rated poor as there was only 10 of them present.

Scenario changes
I moved Nero (leader) from the right to the left, effectively starting the battle when Nero moved from the right flank to the left.

Romans on the left, Carthaginians on the right.
The stream is crossable, -1 to movement.  Banks are defendable, giving a melee bonus.

Both sides advance.

Both side advance.

The Romans engage first in the centre, skirmisher lines clashing first.

Centre skirmish clash.

The Roman left side of the line advances into combat with the Heavy Infantry but no breakthroughs.

The left side of the Roman infantry line is engaged.

The Carthaginian mounted charge the opposing Roman cavalry.  A Roman cavalry retreats from the Elephant, the rest are disordered.

The Carthaginian mounted charges the Roman cavalry.  One Roman cavalry retreats from the elephant.

The Elephant routs an opposing cavalry and pursues (When writing this up I realised the Elephant is poor and rolled one less than required to rout the opposing cavalry.  Ah well, it was still possible to rout the cavalry so will not worry.).

One Roman cavalry unit is routed.

In the centre a Heavy infantry is routed.  The remaining Velites fire at the heavy infantry that cause no damage.  The Carthaginian heavy infantry charge into the Roman Heavy infantry.  Some disorders.

The whole heavy infantry line on both sides is now engaged.  One Carthaginian unit lost.

Roman cavalry is all routed.

Roman cavalry cleared from that flank.

In the centre, the Carthaginian right collapses and is wide open to the Romans.  One of the legions is racing for the Gauls.

The Carthaginian centre right collapses and the Romans advance.

The legions cross the stream and attack the Gauls.  Everyone is disordered.  The Gauls will now be at a disadvantage being poor and subsequent turns while disordered.  But they are defending the steam bank.

The legions are sent over the stream to attack the Gauls and hopefully defeat them before the Carthaginian cavalry rolls up the Roman line.

The Carthaginian cavalry, having cleared the flank now closes in on the centre.

The Roman mounted has turned and racing for the Roman units!

The Carthaginians lose another heavy infantry in the centre.

The Romans rout another Carthaginian heavy infantry unit.

A Gaul unit is lost but things are hectic with the Romans desperately trying to rearrange their heavy units to be able to contact the enemy.  The Carthaginian cavalry though is faster.

The Carthaginian cavalry is getting closer, but the Romans are also closing in on the Gauls.

Carthaginian cavalry charges in the rear of a Roman Heavy infantry.  Gone.

Heavy cavalry in the rear of the Romans! 

Pursues and charges into another one in the rear.  Gone.

The legion is routed.  But the next one manages to hold on (lucky).

A Roman unit manages to charge into the flank of the Gauls and it is routed. 

A Gallic unit is routed and the Carthaginian army retires.

The Carthaginians reach their army breakpoint and the Romans win!  Only just - the Romans were one unit away from breaking themselves.

The end game.  It was a very close game.

Another close game.  And fun.  I could see myself playing this one again sometime as it could easily go badly for the Romans.


  1. Excellent litttle report!

    French Wargame Holidays

    1. Thanks Matt! It was more fun to play than I expected.

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