Various Pages to rules and replays

Sunday, 20 October 2019

Battle of Sillasia 222BC using Ancient Battlelines Clash

This is game 35 in play testing my ancient rules by replaying historical battles.  The previous version of ‘Ancient Battlelines Clash’ is on its own blog page. Note at the time of writing the version I am using to play this battle (Version 3.2) is very much in draft as it is a rewrite of what I planned for V3.0 and closer to what V2.5 (the one I used to play most of my games).  V3.2 currently requires a lot of tidying up, and is missing design notes, examples and the programmed opponent. I am play testing the rules by replaying all the Peter Sides scenarios from his Historical Battles books.  ABC is designed to finish in around 30 minutes on a 2'x2' table.

Battle of Sillasia
Sparta attempts to (re)dominate Greece and attacks the current power, the Achaean League.  The latter, after several defeats, turn to the Macedonians who invade Greece along with the Achaean League as allies.

Very little on the internet:

Wikipedia entry:
Aaron's replay of the Lost Battles scenario:

I did reference Phil Sabin's Lost Battles.


1 Spartan Phalangites, Heavy Infantry, phalanx, elite
1 Spartan Phalangites, Heavy Infantry, phalanx
2 Battle Cavalry, Medium Cavalry
1 Light Cavalry, Light Cavalry, javelins 
5 Allied Infantry, Medium Infantry
2 Skirmisher, Skirmish Infantry, javelins 
1 Leader with one of the the Elite Spartan Phalangites

Breakpoint: 7

Macedonian and Achean League

1 Elite Phalangites, Heavy Infantry, phalanx, elite
1 Macedonian Phalangites, Heavy Infantry, phalanx
1 Greek Phalangites, Heavy Infantry, phalanx
3 Cavalry, Medium Cavalry
2 Macedonian Infantry, Medium Infantry
2 Allied Infantry, Medium Infantry, elite
2 Skirmisher, Skirmish Infantry, javelins 
1 Leader with the Elite Phalangites

Breakpoint: 8

Scenario changes
The Peter Sides scenario has no terrain features and yet the battle was fought with both forces starting mostly on hills and a river (with likely little water) in between.  I can see why Peter removed this - in the course of battle the units moved from the hill and while terrain played a part, it was in deployment and retreat especially.  The scenario also had a standard setup for both sides - pikes in centre, then lighter infantry, then cavalry on the flanks.  The deployment was not like that so have gone for something more like the description of the battle with cavalry in the centre, main pike blocks on the Spartan right and Macedonian left and the remaining infantry on the right.   To simplify the game, I have done what Peter has done and start the forces very close together and no terrain.  The cavalry are slightly back from the infantry as they can move faster and wanted to have a turn of movement available.

I reduced the units/elements by about half as I am playing on a table half the size.  I also have less Phalanx/pike units as there is no benefit to rear pike units in ABC compared to DBA.  



Cleomenes advances his right flank. The screening skirmishers are cleared.  Not so confident with the centre and right and so does not advance.  The Macedonian right flank advances and the screening skirmishers are also cleared.  The centre cavalry charges.

Advances in the centre and flanks.

All the Cavalry in melee are disordered, the Spartan Light Cavalry retreat and the opposing Cavalry decide not to pursue.

In the centre, the Spartan Light Cavalry retreats from the heavier cavalry charge,

Antigonus and the other pikes do not advance - better to wait and get Cleomenes to advance even further.  Cleomenes does so.  And the melee goes badly for him, so badly that he is severely wounded and leaves the field (a 1 in 36 chance!). An Allied Medium Infantry unit is also destroyed.

Sparta loses some allied infantry on their right flank

In the centre, one of the Macedonian Cavalry wheels and attacks a Spartan Cavalry unit. Note it does not count as a flank attack as the Macedonian Cavalry unit did not start their move behind the front line of the enemy unit.  One of the Spartan Cavalry breaks as the Macedonians pursue.

In the centre, the Macedonian cavalry rout an opposing unit and then pursue

No movement on the flank for the Spartans but the Macedonians charge - they have the advantage in numbers and in fortitude.  A Spartan unit is destroyed and the Macedonian Light infantry pursues - into the Spartan Cavalry!  The cavalry does not get its shock modifier as it is already in melee. Both are disordered.

The Macedonians charge on their right flank. An infantry unit is destroyed and in the resulting pursuit, an Allied Infantry makes contact with a Spartan cavalry unit.

No movement or results in the centre but over to the main pike battle.  One of the phalangite units succumbs and routs.

Meanwhile on the Macedonian left flank they manage to rout a Spartan phalangite unit.

The Spartans have reached their breakpoint and the game is over for a Macedonian historical win.

Positions at the end - Spartans on the left.

Rule Changes
Another issue with the rules occurred due to my streamlining.  Rather than go into detail, it was now inconsistent when skirmishers fired on other skirmishers or Light units.  I have removed skirmishers and light units being able to hang around disordered but this now skews some of their reactions for firing and moving into the ZOC on an enemy.  I have changed the reactions to be consistent with the original intent of the mechanism.  It may be more playtestingd sees some slight teaks to this as I have thought through a lot of the interactions but bound to be some I missed!

It was a fast game but then the units were lined up and deployed closer than normal.  Although my interest in playing with my rules seems to have flagged over the last few years I have no obvious reason why (probably more to do with other things happening in my life outside of gaming/).  I do enjoy playing these games, and learning some history along the way via reading up on the battles and why they occurred.

With this battle I move away from pikes for a while as I move into the Punic Wars era battles.  Some of the bases I have had out and on this board and just about continuously in use since my first game of Heraclea in April 2011 (over 8 years!).  I am putting them all away now but some pike bases will return for the Roman-Macedonian Wars.


  1. Shaun, always interesting to see how a rule change can have unwitting impact elsewhere, part of the fun of getting a set down tight - though as yourself, I find myself wandering away from my own rules and being interested in commercial rules, only to return and then dip in and out.

    1. Hello Norm,

      Yes, I do keep coming back to my rules. I have wandered for a few years but now back to playtesting them again!

  2. Interesting, thanks for posting. How do you find this scenario book - would you recommend it?

    1. That is an interesting question! I do recommend them as I really like the short format - description, general number and types of troops (and then a proposed conversion of that to DBM-types) and a deployment map.

      But I find that when I research a battle, I often change the troop types and deployment! So I can recommend it as a great resource for historical scenarios, but sometimes wonder at the selection of units and deployment.

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