Various Pages to rules and replays

Friday, 1 April 2011

Heraclea deployment and background for replay

This is a place to put the background and default deployment for the Battle of Heraclea as I start replaying it with multiple rules, aiming for less than 1 hour on a 2'x2' board.  It saves having to repeat this information with each battle.

Internet Sources
There are the internet sources I found quite easily to help on replaying the battle.

Scaling the troops

Armed with the potential numbers of the different types of troops present at Heraclea, I could start to convert this into possible units for the replays.  The less the better!  Going by the actual numbers, and trying scale it down to manageable unit sizes, I used a first cut scale of 1200 soldiers equals 1 figure.
4 Legions each with:
1200 Leves
1600 Hastati
1600 Principes
800 Triarii
4800 Leves = 4 figures
6400 Hastati = 5 figures
6400 Principes = 5 figures
2400 Triarii = 2 figures

The 4 figure Leves would translate to 2 Skirmishers bases
The 12 heavy infantry would really be 3 bases but could simply make it 1 base per legion.  But in the spirt of trying to have a small number of units or the game wil take longer, I will go with 3 bases in total: 2 bases of Heavy Infantry + 1 unit of Triarii.  I can always change it back if all goes bad.
The 4 allied legions I will treat identical to the roman legions - 2 Leves, 2 HI, 1 Triarii.
Bruttians etc Allied infantry 2400 = 2 figures or 1 Light Infantry base
Roman Cavalry 1200 + 3600 Legion Cavalry = 4800 = 4 figures or 2 bases (could be one but 1 seems too little for the role they played)
Light cavalry 1200 = 1 figure or 1 Light Cavalry base.
Hypaspists 3000 = about 3 figures or 1 Hypaspist base
Pike Phalanx/Peltasts 20000  = 16 figures or 3 bases Pikes and 1 base Peltasts
Heavy Cavalry 3000 = 3 figures or 1 heavy Cavalry (Agema) base - I thought about adding a second heavy vavalry base but really the Romans had 60% more cavalry, so 1 it is.
Foot Archers and Rhodian slingers 2500 = 2 figures or 1 base of skirmishers
Elephants 20 which will be 1 elephant base
Tarantine Levy Hoplites 6000 = 4-5 figures = 1 Hoplite base
Tarantine Light Cavalry 1000 = 1 figure or 1 Light Cavalry Base.
There are not enough skirmishers at this scale but the Rhodian slingers, even though only 500, get converted to base of Skirmishers, for a total of 2 Epirot Skirmishers.
Troop Definitions
General troop definitions to assist with converting to the various rules.
4 Leves: Skirmishers, open order, javelins, no armour, no shield
4 Hastati/Principes: Heavy Infantry, close order, partial armour, pila, sword, shield.
2 Triarii: Heavy Infantry, close order, partial armour, spear, shield, veteran.
1 Light Infantry: Light Infantry, loose order, no armour, javelin, shield
2 Heavy Cavalry: Heavy Cavalry, loose order, partially armoured, spear, shield
1 Light Cavalry: Light cavalry, open order, unarmoured, spear, shield
1 Hypaspist: Heavy infantry, Pikes, partially armoured, phalanx, veteran/elite, shield
3 Pikemen: Heavy infantry, Pikes, partially armoured, phalanx, shield
1 Hoplite: Heavy infantry, long spear, half-armoured, hoplite, phalanx, shield
1 Light Infantry: Light Infantry, loose order, no armour, javelin, shield
1 Skirmisher: Skirmishers, open order, javelins, no armour, no shield
1 Slingers: skirmisher infantry, open order, sling, unarmoured
1 Agema: heavy cavalry, partial armour, spear, shield; better than the roman heavy cavalry.
1 Light cavalry: Light cavalry, open order, unarmoured, spear, shield
1 elephant: elephant, tower.
I shall start the battle after Pyrrhus drew back the skirmisher line and the Romans had crossed the river.  It bascially means the fight is in the open with no terrain.  Also, there is no defined deployment of the troops so I have gone with a cross of the WAB replay, a bit of Richard Sides (from Ancient Historical Battles 1479BC - 378AD) a little bit of Bill Bank's Ancients and what feels ok.

Proposed deployment for Battle for Heraclea on 2'x2'.  Romans at the bottom.

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