Various Pages to rules and replays

6x6 challenge 2017 tracking page

Kaptain Kobold of The Stronghold Rebuilt has suggested a 6x6 challenge based on the boardgamegeek 10x10 challenge.  Play 6 tabletop games 6 times in 2017 and post the game reports (the level of detail up to you). A number of people are participating and Kaptain Kobold is the central co-ordinator. More details on the challenge at this The Stronghold Rebuilt initial blog post, and the initial participant list at this post.

I generally only play about, 30 games a year.  Of these only two I think I have played more than 6 times in one year! 36, and 6 of 6 games, will definitely be a challenge.  I detailed the reasoning behind my choice of games in this late December 2016 blog post.

Game status as at 14 September 2017:

Game 1 When Warriors Collide, 6 plays - Games 1 to 12
Game 2 Advance to cover, 4 plays:  Game 1, Game 2, Game 3, Game 4
Game 3 Battlestations, 1 play: Game 1
Game 4 WW3x4 Advancing Companies, 6 plays, all games at this post
Game 5 Fall of Rome (1973 edition), 3 plays, Game 1 and 2, Game 3, Game 4
Game 6 Triumph!, 3 plays: Game 1 and 2, Game 3

Game 1 was Ancients Battlelines Clash , replaced by When Warriors Collide in August
Game 3 was Field Commander: Alexander, replaced by Battlestations in September
Game 4 was Full Thrust, replaced by WW3x4 in July.

Total: 24 games.
Status: not too bad.  Need to play 4 a month for October to December.

Detail with game report links
Note I have used the blog label 6x6 challenge for posts relevant to the 2017 6x6 challenge.

Game 1 - when Warriors Collide (was Ancient Battlelines Clash), Played 12

When Warriors Collide (WWC) is the name for my set of ancients rules that are derived from another of my rules - Ancients Battlelines Clash.  WWC I wrote for my replay of the ancient campaign boardgame Imperator and is designed to play on a grid (8x8 or 12x12) using troop definitions similar to those found in Imperator. WWC being similar to Ancient Battlelines Clash, I have removed the latter from the 6x6 challenge.

Comment for the former Ancient Battlelines Clash
My own ancient rules.
Probability: 99%. I have played these rules 150 times in the last four years, I should be able to make 6 more.

Game 2- Advance to cover. Played 4
My own WW2 rules, for 6mm and 20mm.
Probability: 90%.  I have played these about  6 times a year for the last 3 years.

Game 01 - Played January 2017
Game 02 - Played January 2017
Game 03 - Played January 2017
Game 04 - Played February 2017

Game 3 - Battlestations 2nd edition (was Field Commander:Alexander).  Played 1
**to be updated and replaced by Battlestations***
Battlestations is a boardgame/miniatures/role playing game hybrid.  Using squares to control the action, players are the crew of a ship and have adventures in the ship, other ships and spacestations.  There is also a space map where ship movement and battles may take place, these integrated with character actions on board the ship.

Comment for the former Field Commander: Alexander:
Solo operational boardgame.  Each scenario will count as a game.  Four scenarios make up the whole campaign, so hopefully play to campaigns.
Probability: 70%.  I have not played it before and may not be able to fit it in the time.

Game 4 - WW3x4 Advancing Companies (was Full Thrust). Played 6
WW3x4 is a WW2 game played on a 3x4 grid with approximately a company a side.  It is designed to be played on an A4 sheet of paper with 6mm miniatures and terrain.  I changed this out in July 2017 after playing 6 games of WW3x4.
Game 1 to 6 - April to July 2017

Comment for the former Full Thrust (just in case it makes a comeback!):
Spaceship miniatures game.
Probability: 50%.  I have not played it before and compared to most other games on this list, requires more space to play than my place of preference - in a set of map drawers.

Game 5- Fall of Rome (original 1973 edition). Played 3
Solo strategic game. the game comes with 6 scenarios (very convenient!)
Probability: 70%.  I have played a few of the scenarios about 25-30 years ago.  Not sure if I will last to play all six,although they are quire different in the challenges they pose.

Scenario 1 and Scenario 2 replay
Scenario 3 replay

Game 6 - Triumph! Played 3
Probability: 20%.  I don't know if I can stretch to playing 6 times of more than 3-4 games/rules, let along 6 rules.  Update February 2017 - likely to get in 6 games of Triumph! this year so have selecged that. Triumph! is a massed ancient battle miniature ruleset that has similar mechanisms to DBA but plays quite a bit differently.
Game 01 - Parthians Vs Indians
Game 02 - Parthians Vs Indians
Game 03 - Athenians Vs Achaemenid Persians

Other Contenders that may replace one or more of the games include:
Warhammer Quest
X wing
Wings of War
Space Crusade
Pulp Alley
Tiny Epic Galaxies (a fast filler if nothing else pans out)
Dungeon Roll.(a fast filler if nothing else pans out)
It may be that new played games come along and I will track these hat may look as though they may be able to meet the 6 times criteria, and may even replace games listed earlier. Who knows?

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