Various Pages to rules and replays

Friday, 23 August 2024

Operation Jupiter 23 - Into the Jaws of Death. 20mm WW2 battle report.


This is game 23 in replaying the scenarios from the Briton Publishers Operation Jupiter skirmish scenario book.   Links to previous games are on this blog page.

Rules used

I am using a variant of my 4x3 grid rules without grids and sections are 3 person units rather than 1 base. I have changed them a little and now if within 3” count as fighting in melee but all have cover modifiers. Also activation is now (mainly) 2 section/vehicle per side per player turn.


The British player has eight turns to capture the two objective buildings.



1 Company HQ

    3 figures

2 Reduced platoons

    1 platoon HQ (1 figure)

    1 2" mortar

    2 Sections (3 figures each)

1 Churchill VII

1 Achilles M10

British are Green (this is to simulate the demoralisation of the troops)


1 Zug

    1 Zug HQ (1 figure)

    2 Gruppe (3 figures each)

1 MG42 team

1 PzKpfwIV

Germans are all regular.



The Germans cannot really defend both objective buildings as it would split the force too much (there is a road to cross between them that would be deadly). And the British have quite a few paths they can take and cannot cover them all.  Although they could support one another, the building on the cross roads is a bit isolated.  Have gone with defending the rear objective building with a Gruppe at the T-intersection to cover both roads.  The MMG is set up with a good field of fire and the PanzerIV is at the rear to provide support for attacks on infantry.

The British have a number of paths – downs the road, down the sides and though the woods.  The key is that both objective buildings have to be taken so need to focus on the rear one and hopefully the forward one can be taken after.  So will come up the road with the tanks and two forces of infantry (a platoon each) will leap frog the buildings on either side.   The force for the rear objective building can also use the woods.  The force on the other side can provide support.   The British will need to be aggressive to get both building in 8 turns.


The British move on 4 infantry sections on either side of the road.  The question for the Germans is do they fire now or wait until they get closer or wait to see where the other unit’s come on?  Rolled for it and they do not fire.

British first units enter.

The British continue to enter more forces and advance.  The Churchill enters on the road and spots the PanzerIV.  Needs a 6 to hit.  Rolls a 6.  A 5-6 will cause damage.  Rolls a 6.  PanzerIV suppressed and damaged.

The state of play. All but the British Achilles in on the table.

The German’s fail to unsuppress the PanzerIV.  The MG42 fires on the infantry in the building at the t-intersection and suppress 2 figures.  The British get a section as reinforcements (event) but this also limits their activations to 2.  The British section in the woods moves to the edge and spot the German Gruppe in the building and suppresses one.  The Germans fire back and suppress two.  Another British section then moves into the adjacent building, fires and the rest of the Gruppe is suppressed.  The Germans fall back as they are all suppressed and in close range of unsuppressed British units.

Infantry first contact!

The Germans unsuppress two of the three figures in the retreating Gruppe.  The MG42 fires on the section on the woods and suppresses another figure.

The British continue to push forwards rather than unsuppress units.  All the British are Green so will be harder to unsuppress as well.    The British move into the building recently vacated by the Germans and fire on the MG42 team.  Two suppressions and the MG retreats into the objective building.  The Germans behind the wall are within 3 so fire and KO one figure, suppress another.  Move movement for rear sections and try to rally the section in the woods but only one figure is good again, leaving two still suppressed.

The British push forward

The German behind the wall fire on the British in the building, cause another suppression and the British are forced to retreat.

The British are forced to retreat from one of the main buildings.

The MG42 team unsuppress.  The British are halfway through the time limit and forces everywhere are suppressed!  One section moves into the objective ruins.  So half the objectives taken.  Time to bring on the Achilles and so the tanks can support the infantry.  First need to remove the PanzerIV threat but the Achilles fails to hit.  The British attempt to unsuppress and do manage to unsuppress two but rout another.  Still lots of suppression for the British.

The British are consolidating.  The Achilles is on at last.

The Germans focus on rallying and all on their side are unsuppressed now.  The British Achilles fires at the PanzerIV and misses.  The Churchill fires and manages to damage it again.  The PanzerIV is destroyed.  This will free up the tanks to provide infantry support for the last two turns.   The British company HQ move into a building and fire on the Germans behind the wall.  One suppression.  Return fire sees one British figure suppressed.  The British section in the other objective building move to the wall, fire on the Gruppe in the building and suppress them all (excellent dice rolling)!    They have to retreat as they are within 3 of unsuppressed British.  There is nowhere to retreat but into the woods.  So close to retreating off the table.  Wow.  The British were very lucky to cause that. The MG42 in the building can return fire as within 3”. They suppress 3 figures.  However, as the section contains a leader, there are 4 figures in the group and so they do not need to retreat.

The tide turns towards the British.

The German MG fires on the section behind the wall and forces them to retreat.  The Germans behind the wall fire at the building and cause another suppression.  The suppressed unit tries to rally but is unsuccessful.

The German manage to keep the British at bay.

The British are desperate, two more turns to go.    The Building section fires on the Germans behind the wall and suppress none, the British in the woods fire at them as well and suppress one.  The Germans retaliate against the building and cause another suppression and the British are forced to retreat.  The British move up the Churchill and manage to suppress the MG42 in the building.  All units in the second objective are rallied (great rolls!) – ready to charge next turn.

The British attempt to cause some damage but are still not in a great position.

The Germans get three activations.  Move a figure back into the objective building to defend it, try and unsuppress the MG and fail.  Unsuppress the unit in the woods – all unsuppressed.  May be useful for a counterattack.

Last turn for the British.  Two figures from the woods move up to the wall and attack the German figure there.  KO!  The Churchill fires at the objective building and supresses the figure there.  The MG42 and the figure need to retreat as they are within range of the unsuppressed British at the wall.  They retreat into the woods.  I will allow the section in the second objective to charge into the main objective building.

The British take the second objective

Ok, the final turn for the Germans.  The four figure unit in the woods charge into the objective building to try and retake it.  The British also have four figures, the Germans get to fire first but the British have the advantage of not moving.  The Germans roll terribly and score one suppression.  The British respond and score three suppressions.  Not enough to cause the Germans to retreat.

The Germans counter-attack

The main objective building is in dispute with both sides occupying it.  The British lose at they do not solely occupy both building.  So close!



That was such a nail-biter of a game. Amazing how much fun you can have on a small table.  The British got whittled away and just did not have time to rally enough units.  The Germans however could not get enough hits to stop the British entirely.  The amount of British attackers show though as they managed to keep coming back.  And at the end they were so close to winning. 

Monday, 19 August 2024

Operation Jupiter 22 - Jabos. 20mm WW2 battle report.


This is game 22 in replaying the scenarios from the Briton Publishers Operation Jupiter skirmish scenario book.   Links to previous games are on this blog page.

Rules used

I am using a variant of my 4x3 grid rules without grids and sections are 3 person units rather than 1 base. I have changed them a little and now if within 3” count as fighting in melee but all have cover modifiers. Also activation is now (mainly) 2 section/vehicle per side per player turn.


The Germans have 6 turns to capture the objective building.



1 Platoon

    1 platoon HQ (1 figure)

    1 PIAT team

    1 Section (3 figures)

1 6pdr ATG

2 fire missions 25pdr

1 Hawker Typhoon with 4x20mm cannon and 8 rockets (arrives turn 4)

British are all regular.


1 Zug

    1 Zug HQ (1 figure)

    2 Gruppe (3 figures each)

2 251/1 halftracks (transport)

2 Pzkfw IV

Germans are all regular



British just need to hang on, using the 25pdrs early and then hoping the Typhoon disrupts the attack.  The Germans will move the infantry on first into the buildings to each side of the intersection and then the tanks.  The Germans know the British are setup on the other side of the intersection so will only be able to move the halftracks to unload in building before the intersection.


Germans move the infantry (via halftracks) into building on either side of the road

German infantry on the board

The British call the 25pdr into one of the buildings (the one the British Lieutenant can see) and suppresses two figures. The Germans move the Panzers on.  The Germans cannot spot anything yet.

Panzer IVs enter to support the infantry.

The 6pdr shoots at one of the Panzer IVs.  They hit.  The Panzer Iv is suppressed (-1 to hit, can’t move for a turn) and damaged.  The PIAT is too far from the tanks to hit.  The 25pdr is successfully called again and forces one suppress figure to retreat out of the building.

6pdr damages one of the PanzerIVs.

The Germans are pressed to time.  They move the Gruppe with the commander to the building next to the objective.  And spot the British hiding there!  They shoot and cause two suppressions.  The British get to return fire.  And what a great return fire – 1 figure routed and the other 3 are all suppressed.   The three suppressed have to retreat as they are within 3 of unsuppressed infantry.  On the other side of the road, the suppressed Germans are unsuppressed.

Action near the objective building.  Did not go well for the Germans.

The British get an event – a sniper.  It suppressed the Germans in the building that were just unsuppressed.  Due to the event, the British only get one activation which they use to destroy the PanzerIV.

Destroyed PanzerIV.

The Germans try and rally the Gruppe in the ruined building but do not succeed.  The PanzerIV attempts to direct HE the objective building but does not succeed either.

It is turn 4.  The British Typhoon appears.  I have no aeroplane models so will just have to imagine it.  It has 8 rockets and 4 20mm cannon. But it has to see something to hit it.  The aircraft attack the ruins. 

The 20mm cannot largely does nothing but the rockets cause the Gruppe to retreat from the building.  A few rockets go astray and to hit the PanverIV and it is destroyed!  I used the aircraft rules from my earlier homegrown rules as I don’t really have any yet suitable for the modified ww4x3 rules.

The rocket wreaks havoc among the Germans.

The German unsuppress 2 figures with the commander and all the figures in the other building.

The British are mostly unsuppressed. 

It is turn 6 and the Germans have no chance on getting to the objective building in time.  The British have won!

End game.


It was all going to depend on how good the Typhoon was.  As per the actual battle, it was quite good.  The Germans could not recover in time to get to the objective.  It was interesting to play.  I did forget about the PIAT team – they should have been spotted by the Germans and likely would have been suppressed and retreated.