Various Pages to rules and replays

Sunday, 31 December 2023

30 ancient games in 30 days - games 26 to 30 (final games)


Games 26 to 30 in the 30 games in 30 days using my own rule son a 40cmx40cm table with 15mm figures.  Replaying some historical battles based on some Bill Banks Ancients user written scenarios.  Details can be found at this introductory blog post:

In this post are these battles:

  • ZELA, 47 BC, Pontines vs Romans
  • MEDWAY, 43 AD, Britons vs Romans
  • BRENTWOOD, 44 AD, Roman (Claudius) vs Britons (Caractacus)
  • SAUMIZEGETUSA, 105 AD , Dacians vs Romans (Trajan)
  • ARMENIA, 114 AD , Armenians vs Romans (Trajan) 


"Veni Vidi Vici!"


Map: Open.

Special: Pontic scythed chariots are 8/- as in 8 combat value and are routed if they do not rout enemy, or are disordered or required to retreat.

Pontines (bp 2.5): 1 LDR, 2 CH, 2 HC, 1 HI, 2 MI, 1 LI.

Deploy: HC* LI MI HI MI HC.  CH in front of this line.

Romans (bp 2.5): 2 LDR, 2 HC, 3 HI, 1 LI.

Deploy: HC* HI HI* HI LI HC.

Deployment, Pontic on the left.

Romans have the stronger centre and I don’t think the Scythed chariots will change that too much, although they will disorder the legions and a 1 in 6 chance of a rout!  Hit and miss really.  The Pontic left flank is stronger than the Roman right, and the Roman right is stronger than the left.  So it may well be that the battle is decided by various flank attacks.

Scythed Chariots must move and cannot turn so they advance.  The Pontic left Heavy Cavalry advances.  The Romans advance their centre and left flank.  Scythed Chariots disorder a legion unit and rout the Light Infantry (a lucky 6).  One Scythed Chariots continues off the board, the other is routed as it did not rout the legion.

Scythed chariots contact the Roman line. A Light Infantry is already routed.

The Cavalry clash on the flanks but not routs on contact.  Subsequent melee see Pontic victorious on their left, and the Romans victorious on the right.  They move to get to the flanks of the infantry battleline.

The Romans finally contact the Pontic infantry line.  The Light Infantry fires for no effect and retreats.  Across the line there are quite a few disorders, even the 2:1 combats.

Ancients battlelines clash.

The Pontic Medium Infantry and Heavy Infantry are routed, as is one of the Roman legion units.  The Pontic side flees and the Romans have won.

End game

A close game. Closer than I thought it would be!


Distracted by a crossing of light troops in their rear, the Britons turn and assault the legionaries who have made a surprise river crossing in their rear.


Map: River on Roman baseline with bridge in centre one unit wide, otherwise Open.

Special: Chariots are poor.

Britons (bp 3.5): 1 LDR, 2 CH, 5 WB.

Deploy: CH WB WB WB* WB WB CH.

Romans (bp 2.5): 1 LDR, 3 HI, 2 MI, 2 LI.

Deploy: LI HI HI* MI LI.  Enter turn 2 over bridge: HI MI.

Deployment, British on the left

The forces are about equal.  The British Chariots, although poor, can be powerful if they can flank the less numerous Romans.  The Light Infantry have an even chance Vs the poor chariots.   If the British warbands get a good result on their first melee charge then they have a chance to win.  The Romans are not going to advance until the reinforcements come on. 

The Chariots advance on both flanks and contact the Light Infantry that retreat and missile fire.  One chariot is disordered.   The chariots just cannot seem to engage the Light Infantry due to the missile fire (the chariots are forced to retreat).

The warbands advance and on turn 2 the roman reinforcements arrive and split up to bolster the line – the incoming Heavy Infantry to the Medium Infantry only flank.  The warbands make contact and due to an excellent first charge dish out a lot of disorders, rout a Medium Infantry and wound the Roman general!

Mid game

After a lot of indecisive melees finally a warband routs a roman melee.  The Romans have lost!

End game

Well, that did not go as expected.  The chariots were ineffectual, the warbands did get damage and the Romans did not even rout a single unit.  Losing the Roman general did not help either.  I think for the Romans I needed to be more aggressive with the Light Infantry against the chariots rather than just maintain a standoff.  The scenario is worth a replay.  It is interesting.


The culmination of Claudius' campaign against the Britons. (Note: This is based upon Robert Graves' fictionalized account in Claudius the God, rather than the real battle!)


Map: On British side (left ro right): wood (2 units wide), hill (6 units wide), marsh (2 units wide).  Takes up whole half.

Special: Britons lose if camp is taken.

Roman (Claudius) (bp 2.5): 1 LDR, 1 EL, 3 HI, 1 MI, 2 LI.

Deploy: HI in the edge of marsh,  El LI in the edge of woods, rest HI HI* MI LI  .

Britons (Caractacus) (bp 3.5): 1 LDR, 3 CH, 1 LC, 1 HI, 3 WB, 1 CP.

Deploy: In woods: WB WB, then on hill HI* LC CH CH CH, then marsh, WB.  Camp in centre rear of hill.

Deployment, Romans on the left

A very unusual scenario, if is only fiction.  The Romans need to attack the flanks and hopefully the centre quickly or else may get flanked.  They may even make it to the camp from a victorious flank.   The Britons need to win a flank and hopefully hold the centre.

Elephants advance into Warband and both disordered.    The other warband advances towards the Light Infantry but the Light Infantry retreats.  It is a bit of an impasse as neither the Elephant nor warband unit can attack at 1:1 as they are in the woods that ½ an attack value.  I may need to change it so both attacking AND defending unit is halved.  So I change the rules J  And then the elephant is routed.  Later the Light Infantry is chased down and routed as well.

British right flank, elephant routed shortly after this.

The legion on the right advances towards the warband that charges but the warband is disordered.  Next melee the Roman unit is disordered.    Subsequent melee saw status quo.

Main infantry battleline advances onto the hill.  The warband advances towards the Light Infantry and the Light Infantry is disordered and later routed.  The Light Cavalry fires for no effect.  The Roman legionaries advance into the chariots and there are disorders everywhere.   Next melee the chariots will be at a disadvantage now disordered.

Battle on the hill.  The Light Infantry is soon routed.

The chariots are all routed, the legions advance on the camp.  The Light Cavalry faces off against the Medium Infantry.  The Heavy Infantry and warbands are desperately trying to get to the hill to help out the camp.  But the camp falls before the warbands get to help.  The camp is looted and the Romans win as the British army has broken.

End game

Another interesting scenario.  Lots going on.  I even got to do a rule change!


Trajan's first campaign battle against the rebellious Dacians.


Map: Hill centre of Dacian side, 4 units wide.

Special: None.

Dacians (bp 3): 1 LDR, 1 HC, 1 LC, 1 HI, 4 WB, 1 LI.

Deploy: HC WB  on hill: WB HI* WB WB,  LI LC .

Romans (Trajan) (bp 3): 2 LDR, 2 HC, 4 HI.

Deploy: HC HI HI* HI* HI HC.

Deploy, Romans on the left.

The Dacians need to stay on the hill if they can to get the bonus of being uphill.  Otherwise the flanks are fairly equal and can be tied up to stop them supporting the centre attack. The Romans need to attack the Warband, hopefully break up the line when they impetuously charge.  They have two leaders in the centre so that is an advantage.  The Heavy Cavalry on each flank can hopefully delay the opposing flack forces so the infantry can be routed.  

The Romans advance the centre and the flank units move up in support.

The Roman centre does not tempt any warbands to break ranks so they charge up the hill into the Dacian infantry. A few disorders, mostly on the Romans and one of the Roman leaders dies.  But at least the Romans all survived so they will have the advantage next turn. 

Infantry clash on the hill

Bad luck next turn sees one Roman unit rout.  But then in a stroke of excellent luck (three 6s) sees three warbands in the centre rout.

Meanwhile the Dacian right flank advances and contacts the opposing Heavy Cavalry – disorders all round.    Bad luck sees the Heavy Cavalry rout.

The Dacian right wing attacks the lone Heavy Cavalry

Before the Dacian wings have a chance to come to the rescue in the centre the Romans encircle the remaining Dacian Heavy Infantry and it is routed.  The Dacians have lost!

No end game picture as I forgot.

A close game.


Trajan's final eastern battle against the Armenians and their Parthian allies.


Map: Two small hills at rear to both sides of the Armenian edge.

Special: Romans must take camp for a win, else most they can achieve is a draw.

Armenians (bp 3): 1 LDR, 1 HC, 4 LC, 1 PX, 1 LI, 1 LA, 1 CP.

Deploy: LA MM PX HC* LC LC LC LC, Camp on right hill.

Romans (Trajan) (bp 3): 2 LDR, 2 HC, 4 HI.

Deploy: HC HI HI* HI* HI HC.

Deployment, Armenians on the left

Interesting setup.  The Romans need to focus on the camp but there are a lot of units on the other side.  The first thing to do is refuse their right flank and move forwards with the left and centre towards the camp.  The Armenians need to break the Romans before they can break the camp. 

Romans advance the Heavy Cavalry and legionaries, drifting to their left.  The Heavy Cavalry on the right flank moves to protect the legions flanks.  The Armenian’s all advance except the left flank Heavy Cavalry that turns to move to right flank.   The Heavy Cavalry and Light Cavalry dance around a little for no real effect.  The Light Cavalry units fire on the legions for no effect.

Early manoeuvring

The Armenian left flank has managed to engage the Roman Heavy Cavalry.  The Armenian Phalanx is engaged by a legion and is soon routed.  One of the Light Cavalry routs due to a Roman legion.  The Romans also have a few disorders on them due to Light Cavalry arrows. 

Mid game

The Armenian Medium Infantry is gone, as is another Light Cavalry.  The Heavy Cavalry manages to hit a legion in the flank but the romans are only disordered.  The Heavy Cavalry is then also attacked in the flank and it is routed.  Another Light Cavalry is trapped from the flank and routed as well.  The way is open to the camp.  The Romans will win as they have not taken a loss and can capture the camp. 

End game

A very interesting game with all that Light Cavalry.  A bit of crowding at the bottom of the hill.  I am surprised more Roman units were not lost.

End of 30 games

Well, that was fun.  I may have to do that again some time, or maybe not!  At least play more of these historical scenarios using these rules, easy to set up and fast to play.  There are only a few hundred more to try J


30 ancient games in 30 days - games 21 to 25


Games 21 to 25 in the 30 games in 30 days using my own rule son a 40cmx40cm table with 15mm figures.  Replaying some historical battles based on some Bill Banks Ancients user written scenarios.  Details can be found at this introductory blog post:

In this post are these battles:

  • VERCELLAE, 101 BC, Roman (Catalus) vs Cimbri
  • SILARUS River, 71 BC, Spartacists (Spartacus) vs Romans (Crassus)
  • PISTORIA, 61 BC, Catilines (Rebels) vs Senatorial Army of Gaius Antonius
  • ADMAGETOBRIGA, 61 BC, Gauls vs Germans
  • MUHLHAUSEN, 58 BC, Julius Caesar (Rome) vs Ariovistus, Chief of Sequani (Germans)


Catalus' legions in a punitive campaign against the barbarian hordes of the Cimbri.


Map: Open.

Special: None.

Roman (Catalus) (bp 2.5): 2 LDR, 2 HC, 2 HI, 1 MI.

Deploy: HC* HI (gap) MI (gap) HI HC*.

Cimbri (bp 3): 1 LDR, 2 HC, 4WB.

Deploy: HC WB WB* WB WB HC.

Deployment, Romans on the left

The Romans best chances are on the flanks, while the Cimbri is to take out the centre and hopefully the legions.  Historically the Cimbri lost and likely the same here.

Roman flanks advance, as does the Cimbri centre.  On each flank a Warband charges into the Roman legions but only succeed is disordering everyone.

Initial clash on the wings.

The Cimbri left flank Warband is routed.    The Cavalry melee of both flanks but all are disordered.  The Cimbi leader gets to flank a roman legion unit and rout it.  And a Warband manages to make it to the Medium Infantry and the Medium Infantry is routed.

The Roman Medium Infantry is routed.

The Roman legion is routed by the Cimbri leader

The Cimbri cavalry are routed on the flanks, as expected.

But then in bad luck the Roman legion unit is routed.  The Romans have lost and the Cimbri change history!

End game

Much closer than I thought it was going to be.  The Roman legion that was flanked failed the order move to turn, otherwise possibly would have survived longer. 

SILARUS River, 71 BC

Crassus attempts to crush the Spartacists slave revolt before Pompey arrives and steals victory.


Map: Open.

Special: None.

Spartacists (Spartacus) (bp 3): 1 LDR, 2 LC, 2 HI, 4 MI.


Romans (Crassus) (bp 3): 1 LDR, 2 HC, 4 HI.

Deploy: HC HI HI HI HI HC*.

Deploy, Spartacists on the left.

Best chance for Spartacists is on the right flank and then roll up the centre, no where else are they stronger.  The Romans are strong in the centre and left flank so should focus there.

Spartacus advances the HI on the right, Romans advance the centre and right flank Heavy Cavalry.  The Heavy Cavalry gets close to the Light Cavalry that retreat.  The Heavy Cavalry continues to advance.  The Light Cavalry fire and retreat, causing a disorder on the Heavy Cavalry. And the general with the Heavy Cavalry is wounded!  The Light Cavalry advance slightly to not retreat off the table, a Roman HI advances and forces one off the battlefield.

Roman Heavy Cavalry attempting to catch the retreating Light Cavalry

Spartacus and the 2 Heavy Infantry contact the Heavy Cavalry, the Heavy Cavalry is routed.

Spartacus and 2 Heavy Infantry about to rout a Roman Heavy Cavalry

The Roman centre contacts the Medium Infantry, one is routed and two others disordered.  Next melee another Medium Infantry is routed.  Two turns later the last Spartacist Medium Infantry is routed, exceeding their breakpoint and so the Spartacists have lost.

End game

A very interesting scenario.  I should have moved up the Spartacus Medium Infantry line so that once the Heavy Cavalry was dealt with by the Heavy Infantry they were closer to the rear of the legions.  And the Light Cavalry maybe could have advanced a little to give more room to retreat.


Lucius Sergius Catilina's last stand.


Map: Open.

Special: Catlines army does not break.  Senatorial Army wins by destroying all Catiline units and killing leader.

Catilines (Rebels) (bp 2): 1 LDR, 2 HI, 2 MI.

Deploy: MI MI HI* HI.

Senatorial Army of Gaius Antonius (bp 2.5): 1 LDR, 1 HC, 4 HI.

Deploy: HC* HI HI HI HI.

Deployment, Catalines on the left.

The Catilines have to hang on for 8 turns (length of the game).  It will take four turns for the HI to reach the Roman army.  The Catilines could about face, retreat one turn, about face again.  Except this takes 3 turns and the Heavy Cavalry can be there in 3 turns.  If they roll a 1 in any of those turns they cannot move.  So maybe not.   Game will come down to dice rolls I think.

Roman army advances and makes contact.  A few disorders.

The battlelines clash.

In subsequent melee the Medium Infantry are lost but a legion is lost as well.  The Heavy Cavalry charge for leader to leader combat and the rebel leader dies.

Heavy Cavalry slams into the flank of the rebel leader.

A rebel HI flanks the Heavy Cavalry and two turns later they are themselves flanks and rout.  However, that took 9 turns and so a victory for the Rebels.

End game – the last rebel Heavy Infantry routs next melee.

I thought it would go better than that for the Romans. 


Barbarian battle: Gauls vs. Germans.


Map: Open.

Special: None.

Gauls (bp 2.5): 1 LDR, 1 HC, 1 LC, 4 WB.

Deploy: LC WB WB WB* WB HC.

Germans (bp 3): 1 LDR, 1 HC, 2 LC, 5 WB.


Deployment, Gauls on the left.

The Gauls are weaker everywhere.  All the Germans need to do is hopefully win the centre with greater numbers.  The Gauls just need to exploit weaknesses if they occur.

The Gauls advance the right flank Heavy Cavalry and the opposing Light Cavalry retreat.  The centre warbands advance, as does the opposing German warbands.  The Gauls get close enough to trigger possible charges by the Germans, hoping one or two don’t and so get a local advantage.  All the Germans charge into melee. Every single warband is disordered. 

Clash of the warbands.

The German Light Cavalry are stuck near the end of the table and the Heavy Cavalry charges.  One manages to retreat and disorder the Heavy Cavalry with missile fire.  The ensuing combat sees the remaining Light Cavalry disordered and later is routed.

Cavalry clash on the Gallic right flank

For four more rounds all warbands remain locked in melee (that is 19 melee rolls none being a 1 or a 6).  But then the Germans roll three 1’s out of 5 melees – bad news as 3 warbands rout, including the leader.  This means the Germans have exceeded their breakpoint and rout!

End game

The Germans only had a slight edge.  And the cavalry Vs lnfantry was always going to take a while. With the Light Cavalry refusing to engage as well. Normally infantry clashes are resolved a lot sooner!


Battle by the Rhine.  Also known as Battle of Vosges.


Map: Open.

Special: None.

Julius Caesar (Rome) (bp 3): 2 LDR, 2 HC, 4 HI.

Deploy: HC HI HI* HI HI HC*.

Ariovistus, Chief of Sequani (Germans) (bp 3.5): 2 LDR, 2 HC, 5WB.

Deploy: HC WB WB* WB WB* WB HC.

Deploy, Romans on the left.

The Romans have an advantage on the right flank with the Heavy Cavalry and leader.  They should be able to withstand the initial warband charge but the Germans have two leaders compared to only one for the Romans so it will be chancy on which side wins the centre.

Romans advance along the line.  The Germans advance their infantry.

The Roman right flank cavalry clash goes in favour of the Romans where at first the enemy Heavy Cavalry is disordered, then routed.

Roman Heavy Cavalry charges the German Heavy Cavalry

The warband line, at 5 units long refuses to move. The Romans get to within the warbands charge range and obligingly only 3 of the 5 decide to charge the line (so the German line is fragmented).

German line fragments

This is actually a good thing for the Germans as a few Roman units are disordered o the fresh German can charge in and receive the charge bonus.  The two that held back were the leaders so extra bonus in combat.  Two Roman legions are routed.  Next melee a German leader is lost when disordered. Bad news for the Germans though as the Heavy Cavalry turns onto the flank of the German warbands. However the Heavy Cavalry fails to followup.   Along the line another warband is routed by the Roman legion with the leader.

Roman Heavy Cavalry on the flanks.

The Germans have reached their breakpoint and flee the field.  The Romans have won!

End game.

A close game.  An interesting scenario can could see a few replays.

Tuesday, 26 December 2023

30 ancient games in 30 days - games 16 to 20


Games 16 to 20 in the 30 games in 30 days using my own rule son a 40cmx40cm table with 15mm figures.  Replaying some historical battles based on some Bill Banks Ancients user written scenarios.  Details can be found at this introductory blog post:

In this post are these battles:

  • GALATHIA, 273 BC, Antiochus I (Seleucids) vs Galatians (Gauls)
  • ADYS, 256 BC, Romans (Regulus) vs Carthaginians (Hamilcar)
  • PANION, 200 BC, Ptolemaics vs Seleucids
  • TRIBOLA, 147 BC, Lusitani/Viriathus vs Romans/Vetilius
  • MUTHUL River, 108 BC, Jugurtha (Numidians) vs Metellus (Romans)


Antiochus' army faced the Galatians somewhere on the plain of Sardis in the Battle of Elephants.


Map: Open.

Special: None.

Antiochus I (Seleucids) (bp 4): 2 LDR, 2 EL, 2 HC, 2 PX, 2 MI.

Deploy: HC EL LI PX* PX LI EL HC*.

Galatians (Gauls) (bp 4): 1 LDR, 2 CH, 2 LC, 6WB.


Deployment, Seleucids on the left

The Galatian’s best chance is in the centre, while the Seleucids are stronger on the flanks.  So that is where each side will focus.

The Seleucid’s advance.  The Galatians advance the centre.  Some warbands on the flanks will contact the Heavy Cavalry.  Maybe slow them down!

The Seleucid left flank Heavy Cavalry contacts the Warband.  Both disordered.  The Elephant continues to the Light Cavalry and the Chariot.  The Light Cavalry fires for no effect and retreats.  The Chariot is routed and then later the Light Cavalry is routed as well.

Elephant and Heavy Cavalry on the Seleucid left flank.  Chariot about to be routed.

The Galatian battle line impacts the Seleucid one.  All but one Warband unit disordered.  In a later melee the centre Seleucid phalanx is lost and then later a warband unit is lost.

The battlelines in contact.  The centre Phalanx is shortly routed.

The Seleucid right flank contacts a Warband left to slow them down.  Both disordered.  The elephant continues in next turn contacts the Light Cavalry and Chariot.  The Light Cavalry retreats with ineffective missile fire, the Chariot is disordered.

The Seleucid right flank

Two more warbands are lost (in 1:1 attacks so just bad luck) and the Chariot and Light Cavalry on the Galatian left flank are lost via the elephant.  The Galatian’s have exceeded their breakpoint and flee.  The Seleucids win!

End game

It was a close game – it could have easily gone the other way.

ADYS, 256 BC

Roman attack on the hilltop camp of the Carthaginians.


Map: Hill centre Carthaginians rear edge 1 unit wide and 3 long.

Special: None.  Note that the Carthaginians cavalry and elephants played no part in the battle so not shown.

Romans (Regulus) (bp 2): 1 LDR, 1 HC, 3 HI.

Deploy: Set up within 2 unit widths of the hill defenders in two groups.  One group facing the right of the defenders, HI HC the other on at 90 degrees of the left in a flanking position, HI* HI.

Carthaginians (Hamilcar) (bp 1.5): 1 LDR, 2 HI, 1 MI, 1 CP.

Deploy: Camp rear centre of hill, free deployment of rest on hill all facing Roman edge, for example, HI HI* MI.

Deploy, Carthaginians on the hill

Not much to this really.  The Romans dash up the flank and to the front (to the front to keep them distracted). 

Romans front advance into the Carthaginians on the hill.  The Romans disordered.  The flankers move into contact.    The Medium Infantry unit is destroyed, the flanking Roman Heavy Infantry continues into another Heavy Infantry and the latter are disordered.  Next round of melees, the Heavy Cavalry is destroyed and then the centre Heavy Infantry is destroyed.  All over quite quickly.

End game

As expected.  The replay value of the scenario is that the forces can be rearranged, one of the Carthaginian units could be facing the flank attack etc.


Ptolemaics vs. Seleucids.


Map: Hill on Seleucid right flank.

Special: None.

Ptolemaics (bp 2.5): 1 LDR, 1 HC, 1 LC, 4 PX, 1 LI.


Seleucids (bp 3.5): 1 LDR, 1 KN, 1 EL, 1 HC, 1 LC, 4 PX, 1 LI.

Deploy: LC LI PX PX PX PX HC KT* (on hill) EL (behind right flank HC).

Deployment, Ptolemaics on the left

Ptolemy is outnumbered and outclassed.  The game is more how long can his army hang in there, or get really good dice rolls.  The Seleucids (obvious) plan is to charge with their right flank cavalry, rout the opposing Heavy Cavalry+leader and then rollup the centre.

The Seleucids advance.  The Seleucid right flank Cavalry melee with Ptolemy and his Heavy Cavalry.  The Knight is Ok but the Ptolemaic and Seleucid Heavy Cavalry are disordered.  The Seleucid Heavy Cavalry is then routed, and then the Ptolemaic Heavy Cavalry is routed by the remaining Seleucid Knight.

Action on the Ptolemaic left flank.

The Seleucid Heavy Cavalry is shortly routed after this, followed quickly by the Ptolemaic Heavy Cavalry.

In the centre the lines clash.  A Seleucid phalangite unit is routed.

Centre clash, one Seleucid phalanx unit already routed.

The Seleucid Knight flank the phalanx line and rout the unit.

Knight flanks the Ptolemaic phalanx line

The Seleucid win as the Ptolemaic have reached their breakpoint and flee.

End game

It was never going to end well for the Ptolemaic with such an inferior left flank.  Having Ptolemy there also meant the Ptolemaic side is going to lose him as well early on.  In a rematch, I am tempted to give the Ptolemaic an extra leader for a phalangite to give them a reason to attack.  In the game, there is no reason for the Seleucid infantry to attack as the Knight is going to do all the work.  With the Ptolemaic moving forwards to attack the Seleucid it makes the game follow more historical lines.


The Lusitani of Viriathus ambush a pursuing Roman force.


Map: Woods covering half of board.

Special: None.

Lusitani/Viriathus (bp 2.5): 1 LDR, 1 HC, 1 HI, 3 WB.

Deploy: HC and HI in centre top facing edge, 3 WB, middle one with Leader in woods facing roman column.

Romans/Vetilius (bp 2): 1 LDR, 1 HC, 3 HI, 1 LI.

Deploy: in column 1 move from WB and 1 HC move from enemy HC: HC* HI HI HI LI.  1 move distance from front edge to front edge.


Easy for the warbands – attack from the woods.  Romans get to choose whether to use the Heavy Cavalry attack the rear of the enemy in front of them (likely) or turn and help the column out.  The Heavy Cavalry have a large advantage over the Heavy Cavalry and Warband, attacking them in the rear so that should be their goal.

The warbands charge into the flanks of the Roman Column.  The centre legion is routed.  The middle warband turns into the rear of the front legion but is disordered in the subsequent combat.  The rear Light Infantry flank attacks a Warband, both are disordered The decoy Heavy Cavalry /Heavy Infantry turns 90 degrees to come to assist the warbands, but the Roman Heavy Cavalry charges into their flanks, disordering the Heavy Cavalry.

State of play, one legion down.

The Lusitani Heavy Cavalry is routed. The leading legion is routed. The rear warband is routed.  Whomever loses the next unit loses the game!  The rear legion advances into the flank of a warband and they are routed.  The Romans win.

End game

I really thought it would be a walkover for the Lusitani.  But it was actually a very close game.

MUTHUL River, 108 BC

Romans against Jugurtha.


Map: Hill on Numidian right flank quarter.

Special: LC cannot move off the hill until the Romans contact them.

Jugurtha (Numidians) (bp 2.5): 2 LDR, 1 EL, 3 LC, 2 MI, 2 LI.

Deploy: In open: EL LI MI MI on hill: LI LC* LC LC.

Metellus (Romans) (bp 1.5): 1 LDR, 3 HI.

Deploy: Spread out as 3 individual units HI HI* HI.  With 1.5 unit width between them and also table edge.

Deploy, Numidians on the left

Hmm.  Romans need to attack the Medium Infantry, block the Elephant and delay attacking the Light Cavalry.  The Numidians really need to try and take out the Romans by surrounding them.

Light Infantry moves of the hill.  All but the Light Cavalry advance.  The Roman Heavy Infantry centre and right advances.   The Light Infantry fires for no effect and retreats.  The legions advance into the Medium Infantry and cause some disorders.  A legion unit is routed as is a Medium Infantry.  The Elephant turns to the flank of the Roman line.

One infantry unit down each

Elephant and its Light Infantry are single units and far from the general making it hard to get them moving.  The Roman unit attacks the Medium Infantry in the flank and it is routed.

Roman legionaries in the flank of the Numidian infantry.  They rout soon after.

The elephant charges into the Roman legion but rolls a 1 and routs.  The Romans win!

End game (Elephant will be routed with the next die roll)

Interesting game – could go either way.  Not sure what to do with the Light Cavalry Vs the Roman Heavy Infantry as the Light Cavalry can run rings around the lone Heavy Infantry unit and missile it to death.  If I had time I would try this out to see how is goes as the Light Cavalry have to roll a 1 to disorder the Heavy Infantry with missiles but the Light Cavalry should be able to stay out of the way of the Romans.